
Latest version: v5.3.3

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- Replaced the ``gettableFiles`` option in the admin section with the new
``*.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler`` approach. By default your entire
``SOLR_HOME/conf`` except for the ``scripts.conf`` is exposed.

- Updated the default ``schema.xml`` to the Solr 1.4 format. The schema version
is now ``1.2`` instead of ``1.1``. The schema is no longer compatible with
Solr 1.3. Please use a recipe version from the 0.x series for that.

Changes to the schema include:

* The integer field is now called int.

* New field type attribute ``omitTermFreqAndPositions`` introduced. This is
true by default except for text fields.

* New binary and random field types.

* The int, float, long, double and date fields now use the ``solr.Trie*``
classes. These are more efficient in general.

* New tint, tfloat, tlong, tdouble and tdate fields. These are ``solr.Trie*``
fields with a precisionStep configured. You can use them for fields that
see a lot of range queries.

* The old sint, slong, sfloat and sdouble fields are no longer configured.

* The examples fields text_greek, textTight and alphaOnlySort are no longer
configured by default.

* The text field uses the SnowballPorterFilterFactory with a language of
English instead of the EnglishPorterFilterFactory.

* The ignored field is now multiValued.

* No dynamic fields are configured by default.

If you have an older Solr 1.3 configuration, you might need to adjust it to
match some of the new defaults. You will also have to do a full reindex of
Solr, if the type of any of the fields changed, like with int or date fields.

- Simplify solrconfig.xml and unconfigure example handlers that rely on a
specific schema. Other changes include:

* Indexes are now flushed when the ramBufferSizeMB is exceeded, defaulting to
32mb instead of every 1000 documents. The maxBufferedDocs is deprecated.

* The new reopenReaders option causes IndexReaders to be reopened instead of
closed and then opened.

* The filterCache uses the solr.FastLRUCache instead of the solr.LRUCache.

* The queryResultWindowSize defaults to 30 instead of 10.

* The requestHandler use the new solr.SearchHandler, which supports a
defType argument to turn it into a dismax handler, instead of having two
separate classes for the two handlers.

There is a number of new handlers in Solr 1.4, which aren't enabled by
default. Read the Solr documentation for the examples.

- Updated jetty.xml and solrconfig.xml to Solr 1.4 defaults. The
``*.jetty.Request.maxFormContentSize`` has been set to allow post request of
1mb by default.

- Made the tests pass again, by installing more packages into the test buildout



- Some package metadata cleanup.

- Added optional java_opts parameter to pass to the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) used to run Solr.

- Fixed to create the ``solr.log`` file inside the ``log`` folder.

- Made sure to display the invalid index attribute name when raising
the related error.

- Added support for defining custom field types.

- Added a ``restart`` command to the solr instance control script.



- Added requestParsers-multipartUploadLimitInKB allowing one to
adjust the request parsers limit.

- Added additional-solrconfig allowing one to extend the solrconfig.xml.

- Support whitespace in schema index attributes values.

- Added default-operator.

- Added config-template for allowing an alternate template to be used for
generating the solrconfig.xml file.

- Added the ``vardir`` and ``script`` options, making it possible to
install multiple Solr instances in a single buildout.



- Improved stop command by using SIGTERM instead of SIGHUP.

- Made that stdout and stderr get redirected to a log file when daemonizing
the solr instance.

- Added support for setting Solr filters.



- First public release.

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