
Latest version: v8.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Do not show "Replace" button until user has seen Preview results.



- Made "Find What" field required and allow empty "Replace With".
Fixes `issue 43 <>`_.



- use pytest as test runner

- Enable search and replace on lines fields, Archetypes ``ILinesField`` and dexterity ``ITuple`` with ``value_type==ITextLine``
Can be enabled with registry ``include_lines_fields`` to True



- use safe_unicode from CMFPlone
[maurits, gotcha]

- Enable search and replace on string fields, Archetypes ``IStringField`` and dexterity ``ITextLine``
Can be disabled with registry ``include_textline_fields`` to False

- Translate field names in preview table

- Python 3 support for 5.2

- Major refactoring for readability

- Added update_modified setting to allow replacing without updating the modified index/metadata. [Gagaro]



- Fixed ImportErrors when dexterity is not available. [maurits]

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