- Fix Date column with SolR result
- Added `ExtendedCSSTable.table_id` and `ExtendedCSSTable.row_id_prefix` making
it possible to have a CSS id on the table and for each rows.
By default, we defined it for `FacetedTableView`, `table_id = 'faceted_table'`
and `row_id_prefix = 'row_'`.
- For `ColorColumn`, do not redefine the `renderHeadCell` method but use the
`header` attribute as we return static content.
- Added `BaseColumn.use_caching` attribute set to `True` by default that will
avoid recomputing a value if it was already computed for a previous row.
This needs to be managed by column and base `_get_cached_result` and
`_store_cached_result` are defined on `BaseColumn`.
Implementations are done for `DateColumn`, `VocabularyColumn` and `AbbrColumn`.