* Changed to comma-separated strings in asynchronous loader for Plone 4
[2010-06-18 - yomatters]
* Fixed divide by zero error in Time on Site: Line Chart report.
[2010-06-18 - yomatters]
* Added basic timeout handling so that a request to Google can't tie up a Zope
thread indefinitely.
[2010-06-15 - yomatters]
* Limited regular expressions generated by the contextual results plugin to
128 characters to conform to Google API restrictions.
[2010-06-07 - yomatters]
* Added upgrade step to 1.0b2.
[2010-06-07 - yomatters]
* Changed to AuthSub authentication.
[2010-06-04 - yomatters]
* Add tracking functionality, including external links, e-mail addresses,
comments and file downloads.
[2010-05-11 - yomatters]
* analytics-controlpanel failing to display under Plone 4 because of trying to
access self.context.request which for some reason is not availiable. Accesing
self.context.REQUEST works for for Plone 3.3.5 and Plone 4b2. Didn't have time
to investigate this further, but I made it work.
[2010-05-07 garbas]