- Register browser components for a package-specific browser layer, so they don't leak to sites without this product installed. You will need to run the upgrade step from the Add-ons control panel if upgrading this product on a site where it is already installed. [davisagli]
- Updated to jqueryui 1.8.5. [vincentfretin]
- Fixed L10nDatepicker to work without a ``request.LANGUAGE`` attribute. [hannosch]
- Add icons to example.jqueryui view [toutpt]
- Replaced original "smoothness" theme with a new "plone4" one more related to "sunburst" that comes with Plone 4. [marcosfromero]
- Update jqueryui to 1.8.4 [toutpt]
- Fixed the css to use images from the directory resources. [vincentfretin]
- Added example.jqueryui page. [toutpt]
- Since jquery-ui-i18n.js contains symbols other than utf-8 it should be compressed with safe-encode type. [spliter]
- Update to jqueryui 1.8.2 [toutpt]
* Added jquery-ui-i18n.js which contains all translations for datepicker plugin. [vincentfretin]
* Removed completly the ``withjqtoolsplone3`` and ``withjqtools`` profiles. We don't depend on collective.js.jquery anymore. So the jQuery of Plone 4 is kept. The defaut profile now install jqueryui 1.8 without the tabs plugin which conflicts with plone.app.jquerytools. This version only works on Plone 4 because Plone 4 ships with JQuery 1.4+ and jQuery 1.8 requires jQuery 1.4+. [vincentfretin]