- fix jquery.uploadify on MSIE with a temp workaround
see ticket : https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10894
macadames - 2010/09/02
- using different ids for each uploader methods launchers
since we could have different uploaders in a same page
example : an images uploader portlet, a video uploader portlet
macadames - 2010/09/02
- remove the cookie authentication method
with jquery.uploadify (it's not secure to send the cookie in all requests)
Just keep the old PloneFlashUpload method (ticket)
macadames - 2010/09/02
- many improvements around fileuploader.js (fork) :
autoUpload option added
onAfterSelect option added
refactoristion with these new options
macadames - 2010/09/02
- added fileuploader.js jscript launcher
macadames - 2010/08/25
- change flashupload jscript launchers
to allow multiple uploaders in same page
macadames - 2010/08/25
- Add fileuploader.js for XHR or simple hidden iframe uploader
macadames - 2010/08/25
- Add quick upload control panel
macadames - 2010/08/25
- Initial release :
extract upload code from collective.plonefinder
to make a separate package
macadames - 2010/08/25