
Latest version: v3.0

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- Fixed timeout issue. [vincent]



- added some more random in the temporary file generation to avoid
issue with multiple concurrent runs. [vincent]

- added a timeout on the subprocess + put stdout/err in TemporaryFile
to avoid potential issues. [vincent]

- raised number of zserver-threads in default buildout, that prevents
the server locking. [vincent]

- Added bootstrap/buildout based on collective/tutorial.todoapp
( [vincent]



- Updated Dutch translations. [Thom van Ledden]

- fix generating local urls with anchors [Davide Moro]

- Bugfix in update_relative_urls [Davide Moro]



- Fixed generating pdf name [kroman0]

- Added possibility to add an adapter that will generate default
options for PDF generation.
Adapter must implement ISendAsPDFOptionsMaker. [vincent]

- Added layout options when generating files with wkhtmlaspdf. Options
available are: use book style, generate table of contents, margins.
Those options can be overriden in download links. [vincent]

- Added utility to replace relative URL and include images as data in
the img tag. [vincent]

- Enabled possibility to render table of contents and book style using
GET arguments. [vincent]

- Added Italian translation [giacomos]



- Bugfix is JS bindings to download the PDF, it now uses the correct
context. [vincent]

- Bugfix when the context title contains non-ascii characters. Zope
does not accept those characters in set_header [vincent+Vladislav]



- Bugfix in TinyMCE loading with Plone 4. [vincent]

- Bugfix when checking if the attachment name should be providen,
'self.excluded_browser_attachment' does not seem to work on every
instances, used 'self.getExcluded_browser_attachment()'
instead. [vincent]

- Fixed test runners for Plone 4. [vincent]

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