- Fix tests to work with latest collective.indexing. [gforcada]
- Fix sorting by title. Sorting does not work on tokenized fields. Add a sortable_title field [csenger]
- Fix full reindex failure in case of malformed content (xml parsing) [sauzher]
- Implemented delay on searchform to avoid to start a search for every single key stroke [sauzher]
- Fixed React widget to add cookies while fetching search endpoint [sneridagh]
- Handle non-ascii values in the query. [reinhardt]
- solr.cfg: configure JMX host and port separately. [maurits]
- Added link to Solr sync in our control panel. Added titles to all four maintenance links that briefly explain what they do. [maurits]
- Added upgrade step for registry to upgrade from version 5.0.3. Otherwise you get KeyError: ``collective.solr.facets`` in the search viewlet. And on the control panel you get another KeyError: 'Interface ``collective.solr.interfaces.ISolrSchema`` defines a field ``index_timeout``, for which there is no record.' Note that this resets your configuration. You may want to make a screen shot of your previous configuration before you update your buildout to collective.solr 6. See https://github.com/collective/collective.solr/issues/155 [maurits]
- Implement reindexing the path indexes in solr. This means in solr path_string, path_parents and path_depth are updated on `obj.reindexObject(idxs=['path'])`. [mathias.leimgruber]
- Remove experimental.lazycatalog monkey patch and let SolrResponse inherit from ZCatalog Lazy class. [tomgross]
- Remove hard dependency on Archetypes [tomgross]
- Implement ``searchwords`` and ``showinsearch`` as Dexterity behavior. [tomgross]