- Replace " with " to keep valid HTML if description contains quotes.
- Made id-generation more resistent against duplicated id's. We now use
normalized urls to generate the item id. [saily]
- added support to include portal_tabs in the superfish navigation by setting
``ADD_PORTAL_TABS = True`` in subclasses [fRiSi]
- added some documentation targeted at integrators [fRiSi]
- don't render superfish_init.js with ``inline=True`` since this leads to
strange errors in
eg when adding a `StaticText Portlet`
``AttributeError: 'DirContainedFileResource5' object has no attribute 'POST'``
according to the `resourceregistry documentation`_ it's better to set inline to `False`
in any case.
.. _`resourceregistry documentation`: http://plone.org/documentation/kb/working-with-resourceregistries/registry-entry-parameters
- Removed caching after some discussions with fRiSi.
We left the code but disabled it by default, enable it again uncommenting
the ram.cache line::
def render(self):
return self.index()
- Displaying superfish menu only when installed in portal_quickinstaller by
adding a superfish-browserlayer through browserlayer.xml file. [saily]
- Changed default values for 'interval' and 'timeout' of hoverIntent which
controls the show and hide process of the submenu. Read more about
configuration of hoverIntent here: http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html