- Avoid failures if the ``id`` of an item is invalid for Zope. [hvelarde]
- pep 8, utf-8 headers, whitespace strip and sorted imports. [thet]
- Ignore - but log - rare cases of construction errors. Usually this happens for objects you do not want to migrate, but a detailed log entry is written. [sunew]
- Fix broken distribution. [hvelarde]
- Allow csvsource to read files from GS import context [lentinj]
- Don't use traversal to avoid problems with acquisition or views. [rpatterson]
- Add csvsource support for taking the filename from an item key. [rpatterson]
- Add csvsource restkey handling for rows with more keys than fieldnames. [rpatterson]
- Add a blueprint for opening and caching URLs with ``urllib2``. [rpatterson]
- Add a source for walking a directory with ``os.walk``. [rpatterson]
- Add support for arbitrary csvsource fmtparam options. [rpatterson]
- Add DEBUG logging for expressions, useful for tracking changes to items as they move through the pipeline. [rpatterson]
- Add an XML walker source section for walking a tree of elements. [rpatterson]
- Add a list source section for adding recursion and/or looping to pipelines. [rpatterson]
- Add pprint support to the logger section, moved from the pprint section used in tests to make it more useful and available in actual pipelines. [rpatterson]