- Reformat the codebase using black and isort to meet current coding guidelines. [thet]
- Remove ``bootstrap.py``. Buildout is installed via pip nowadays. [thet]
- Add ``default_language`` option when registering vocabularies. Default language is used when the site language is not available in a vdex file. Not specifying this still means a default of 'en'. [tmog]
- Newer lxml doesn't allow accessing ``_root`` anymore. This switches to ``getroot()``. [pilz]
- Plone 4.3 compatibility [ale-rt]
- lxml compatibility (imsvdex dropped elementtree in favour of lxml) [ale-rt]
- entry point for z3c.autoinclude [ale-rt]
- A bunch of refactoring in order to add a new vocab type: TreeVocabulary. As the name suggests, treevocabulary supports ``zope.schema.interfaces.ITreeVocabulary``. It has better i18n-support using own i18n-domains for the caption and description of a term. [jensens]
- don't use context to determine current language, but use getSite. context may be adapter or other object without acquisition (eg. in forms with ignoreContext=True). [naro]
- depend on "setuptools", not "distribute" [nutjob]