- Register new pat-datagridfield bundle.
Breaking change:
The JavaScript resources have changed a lot.
Please run the provided upgrade steps!
If you were customizing templates which loaded these JavaScript resources
or customized the JavaScript functionality itself, take special care.
The bundle is loaded only for logged-in users.
- Rework JavaScript as a Pattern for better initialization.
- Row UI buttons optimizations
Change row UI elements from anchor to buttons for better semantics.
Fix Bootstrap classes, remove unused attributes, add a title to buttons.
- Change UI element classes
Remove non-unique id attributes from UI buttons and add classes instead.
Let the button functionality be initialized by the pattern.
Breaking change:
In this version a pattern handles all the JavaScript functionality to ensure best possible encapsulation between different instances of the datagridfield widget.
If you have customized templates, make sure you do the following:
- Add the class ``pat-datagridfield`` to the ``datagridwidget-table-view`` nodes (datagridfield_input.pt, datagridfield_input_block.pt).
- Add the following classes instead of ids to the ui buttons as shown in this map (datagridfieldobject_input.pt, datagridfieldobject_input_block.pt):
- btn-addrow -> .dgf--row-add
- btn-deleterow -> .dgf--row-delete
- btn-moveup -> .dgf--row-moveup
- btn-movedown -> .dgf--row-movedown
- Use pat-datagridfield in templates.
- Remove extra parameter for datagridfield widget as it was unused and untested.
- Clean up upgrade profile definitions and align to Plone standards.
- Use Github actions instead Travis CI.
- Test setup using bobtemplate.plone config.
- Code formatting - black, zpretty, prettier.
- Import with module name.
- Register translations in locales directory.
- Add es and eu translations.
- Accessibility fixes.