- **FIX**: `coloraide_extras.everything.ColorAll` should derive from `coloraide.everything.ColorAll`, not `coloraide.Color`. - **FIX**: Handle divide by zero case for Weber contrast by setting a more reasonable max.
- **NEW**: Update to support the official ColorAide stable release. Move to a "stable" release for ColorAide Extras.
- **NEW**: Move the `Color` object which contains **all** plugins to `coloraide_extras.everything.ColorAll`. This will prevent instantiating things that some users may not care about. - **NEW**: Plugins are no longer available root of package, but must be imported from their location: `coloraide_extras.<plugin_type>.<space>.<class>`. - **FIX**: Clamp luminance in Michelson and Weber contrast plugins to zero if negative luminance. - **FIX**: Adjust some color space ranges to be more reasonable.
- **NEW**: Add support for new ColorAide 1.0 Beta. - **NEW**: All previous color spaces except UCS and UVW have been moved to ColorAide 1.0 Beta. - **NEW**: Added CAM16 UCS, CAM16 LCD, and CAM16 SCD and an associated `cam16` ∆E. - **NEW**: Added Weber contrast and Michelson contrast.