* Added automatical creation of auxiliary trails.
* Added `auxiliary_trails=False` to the signature of `TopologyDiagram.build_trails()`.
* Added `TopologyDiagram.auxiliary_trails()` iterator.
* Added `TopologyDiagram.auxiliary_trail_edges()` iterator.
* Added `TopologyDiagram.is_auxiliary_trail_edge()` edge filter.
* Added `TopologyDiagram.number_of_auxiliary_trails()`.
* Added property `TopologyDiagram.auxiliary_trail_length` with setter.
* Added property `TopologyDiagram.auxiliary_trail_vector` with setter.
* Created first full version of GH plugin under `compas_cem.ghpython.components`
* Changed `TopologyDiagram.trails()` to return an iterable of trails instead of a dictionary.
* Changed `TopologyDiagram.build_trails()` to not return anything.
* The type of a trail is `tuple`, no longer `list` to reflect they are immutable.
* Splitted `Constraint()` into children classes `VectorConstraint()` and `FloatConstraint()`.
* Renamed `error` to `penalty` in `compas_cem.optimization`.
* Refactores examples folder.
* Changed check for `None` in `NodeMixins.node_xyz()`.
* Removed `None` from default arguments in optimization constraints and parameters.