
Latest version: v0.7.0

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* Bumped version to 0.2.1








* Iterators through printpoints in PrintOrganizer
* Iterative smoothing of attributes on printpoints (ex smooth velocities, orientations etc)
* Export of (jsonable) PrintPoint attributes to json (in previous versions they were ignored upon export)


* added first layer in the slicing process that was previously removed.
* set_velocity function was split into separate functions depending on type (constant, by layer, by range, by overhang)


* Fixed bug on the calculation of the Printpoint frame (both on PrintOrganizer and on the gh visualization).



* VerticalConnectivity from CurvedPrintOrganizer. This function does not need to be on its own class.
* Checking feasibility of Printpoints in PrintOrganizer (anyway it was a function left not-implemented in most PrintOrganizers). Might be re-introduced in the future but with more specific tasks.
* Planar slicing using MeshCut (and meshcut library from requirements).




* Fancy badges in the readme
* Export to Gcode








* Small bug in example 1 regarding the raft




* Generate raft functionality

* is_raft parameter to the Layer


* Simplify paths to exclude simplification of raft layers

* Error raised when brim is attempted to be applied to a raft layer.


* Small bug in print time calculation



* UVcontours, UVslicer

* VerticalLayersManager


* Renamed the curved_slicer and all processes named after that (i.e. curved_preprocessor, curved_slicing_parameters, curved_print_organizer etc) to interpolation_slicer. These changes make this PR a breaking change.

* Reorganized the parameters folder. A lot of parameters where considered 'curved_slicing_parameters' although they were more general. So I broke those down into separate files. More parameters will be added in the future to those files.


* Some documentation

* Slicer printout_info bug



* folder slicers.curved_slicing and all its contents.



* Reorder vertical layers functionality

* Added z_height attribute to Layer and min_max_z_height to VerticalLayer


* Extension of CHANGELOG

* Changed naming of *sort_per_vertical_segment* to *sort_into_vertical_layers*

* Changed naming of *get_segments_centroids_list* to *get_vertical_layers_centroids_list*


* Typo in wait time





* ScalarFieldPrintOrganization as a slicing method

* Transfer of attributes from mesh faces and vertices to PrintPoints (utilities/ Added the necessary attributes in the PrintPoints. Also added an example ( showcasing this functionality.


* Cleaned up the 'printout_info' methods in the BaseSlicer and BasePrintOrganizer

* Refactored GradientEvaluation so that it can be applied in general for scalar fields, instead of just for interpolation fields



*ScalarFieldContours as a slicing method


* Bug fixes on CurvedSlicingPreprocessor

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