* Added new base class for timber elements `TimberElement`.
* Added property `is_beam` to `Beam` class.
* Added property `is_plate` to `Plate` class.
* Added property `is_wall` to `Wall` class.
* Added `side_as_surface` to `compas_timber.elements.Beam`.
* Added `opposing_side_index` to `compas_timber.elements.Beam`.
* Added `Plate` element.
* Added attribute `plates` to `TimberModel`.
* Added new temporary package `_fabrication`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.JackRafterCut`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.JackRafterCutParams`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.Drilling`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.DrillingParams`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.StepJoint`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.StepJointNotch`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.DovetailTenon`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.DovetailMortise`.
* Added new `compas_timber.connections.TStepJoint`.
* Added new `compas_timber.connections.TDovetailJoint`.
* Added new `utilities` module in `connections` package.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.DoubleCut`.
* Added new `compas_timber.connections.TBirdsmouthJoint`.
* Added new method `add_group_element` to `TimberModel`.
* Added new method `has_group` to `TimberModel`.
* Added new method `get_elements_in_group` to `TimberModel`.
* Added attribute `is_group_element` to `TimberElement`.
* Added `JointRule.joints_from_beams_and_rules()` static method
* Added `Element.reset()` method.
* Added new `` module with new `Fastener` element type.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.Lap`.
* Added `Joint_Rule_From_List` GH Component that takes lists of beams to create joints.
* Added `MIN_ELEMENT_COUNT` and `MAX_ELEMENT_COUNT` class attributes to `Joint`.
* Added `element_count_complies` class method to `Joint`.
* Added `compas_timber.fasteners.FastenerTimberInterface`.
* Added `compas_timber.connections.BallNodeJoint`.
* Added `compas_timber.elements.BallNodeFastener`.
* Added `transform()` method to `Feature` types.
* Added `FastenerInterfaceComponent` GH component.
* Added `ShowElementsByType` GH Component.
* Added `fasteners` property to `TimberModel`.
* Added `BTLx_Feature` GH component.
* Added `CT_Beams_From_Mesh` GH component.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.FrenchRidgeLap`.
* Added new `compas_timber.connections.LFrenchRidgeLapJoint`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.Tenon` and `compas_timber._fabrication.Mortise`.
* Added new `compas_timber.connections.TTenonMortiseJoint`.
* Added `create` override to `BallNodeJoint`.
* Added `PlateFastener` class.
* Added `errors` directory and `` module.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.Slot`.
* Added new `compas_timber._fabrication.SlotParams`.
* Changed incorrect import of `compas.geometry.intersection_line_plane()` to `compas_timber.utils.intersection_line_plane()`
* Renamed `intersection_line_plane` to `intersection_line_plane_param`.
* Renamed `intersection_line_line_3D` to `intersection_line_line_param`.
* Adjusted functions in `compas_timber._fabrication.DovetailMortise` and `compas_timber.connections.TDovetailJoint`.
* Added `conda-forge` channel to installation instructions.
* Fixed `**kwargs` inheritance in `__init__` for joint modules: `LMiterJoint`, `TStepJoint`, `TDovetailJoint`, `TBirdsmouthJoint`.
* Fixed GUID assignment logic from `**kwargs` to ensure correct fallback behavior for joint modules: `LMiterJoint`, `TStepJoint`, `TDovetailJoint`, `TBirdsmouthJoint`.
* Changed `model.element_by_guid()` instead of direct `elementsdict[]` access for beam retrieval in joint modules: `LMiterJoint`, `TStepJoint`, `TDovetailJoint`, `TBirdsmouthJoint`.
* Reworked the model generation pipeline.
* Reworked `comply` methods for `JointRule`s.
* Fixed error with angle and inclination calculation in `compas_timber._fabrication.JackRafterCut`
* Changed `compas_timber.connections.TButtJoint` and `compas_timber.connections.LButtJoint` by using the new implemented BTLx Processes to define the Joints
* Changed `DirectJointRule` to allow for more than 2 elements per joint.
* Changed `beam` objects get added to `Joint.elements` in `Joint.create()`.
* Fixed bug in vizualization of tenon/mortise in `compas_timber._fabrication.StepJoint`and `compas_timber._fabrication.StepJointNotch`.
* Changed `model.process_joinery()`so that it calls `joint.check_elements_compatibility()` before adding extensions and features.
* Fixed incorrect data keys for `beam_guid` in the `__data__` property for joint modules: `LMiterJoint`, `TStepJoint`, `TDovetailJoint`, `TBirdsmouthJoint`, `LFrenchRidgeLapJoint`.
* Fixed `JointRuleFromList` GH component.
* Changed `TButtJoint` to take an optional `PlateFastener`.
* Moved `FeatureApplicationError`, `BeamJoinningError`, and `FastenerApplicationError` to ``.
* Fixed a bug that occured when parallel beams are joined in the BallNodeJoint.
* Fixed `L_TopoJointRule`, `T_TopoJointRule` and `X_TopoJointRule` for cases where `Joint.SUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY` is a single value or a list.
* Fixed bug in `JointRule.joints_from_beams_and_rules()` that caused failures when topology was not recognized.
* Implemented `max_distance` parameter in `JointRule.joints_from_beams_and_rules()` and `JointRule.comply` methods.
* Bux fixes from extra comma argument and `max_distance` not implemented in `DirectRule.comply`.
* Removed module `compas_timber.utils.compas_extra`.
* Removed a bunch of spaghetti from `CT_model` GH component.
* Removed module `compas_timber.fabrication.joint_factories.t_butt_factory`.
* Removed module `compas_timber.fabrication.joint_factories.l_butt_factory`.
* Removed module `compas_timber.connections.butt_joint`.
* Removed module `compas_timber.connections.french_ridge_lap`.
* Removed module `compas_timber.fabrication.joint_factories.french_ridge_factory`.
* Removed module `compas_timber.fabrication.btlx_processes.btlx_french_ridge_lap`.