* Added `*args` in the `Viewer.add` method, resolve [85](
* Added `Transformation` and `Visualization` sections for the `Propertyform`.
* Added `Propertyform` and its example in the documentation.
* Added example `layout/tree_view`.
* Added functionality of multiple widgets in main viewport.
* Added example `object/`.
* Added `RobotModelObject` and its example in the documentation.
* Added support to pinch gesture for zooming on touch pads.
* Pin the `PySide6` version to `6.6.1`.
* Auto set the camera scale when `zoom_extend` is called.
* Updated the `Tag` example.
* Updated the `RobotModelObject` example.
* Update examples in the documentation.
* Renamed `surfaces` into `viewmesh` in every `ViewerGeometryObject`.
* Renamed `scene.json` to `viewer.json` and `scene_config` to `viewer_config`.
* Unify color naming. variables that control the colors of geometries are `surfacecolor`, `linecolor`,`pointcolor`, yet variables that control the colors of meshes are `facecolor`, `edgecolor`, `vertexcolor`.
* Added `ViewerGeometryObject` as the abstract class for all the geometry objects. Other specific geometry objects are inherited from this class.
* Changed `DataType` into `ShaderDataType`. Resolve to [46](
* Added `ViewerScene` as an attribute of the `Viewer` class. resolve [28](
* Bug fix of [73](
* Improved argument passing mechanism in the `Slider` class. Close [76](
* Documentation images and code correction.
* Improved typing hints of `CollectionObject`.
* Changed to the point object is `show_points = True` by default. Refer to [73](
* Changed from `super(__t, __obj)` to `super()` as the new version.
* Temporarily removed `rgba` which is causing blank screen for macos.
* Re-enabled `rgba` support by switching to `vec4` for color attributes in shader.
* Fixed the bug of missing `item` parameter in the `Viewer.add` method.
* Fixed tag text spacing and alignment issue.
* Fixed mouse selection flickering issue.
* Fixed the issue of zoom on mac.
* Removed `utilities` folder.