* Support CommonMark 0.6.4 and only CommonMark 0.6.4
* `<table-of-contents />` automatically inserts a customizable "Table of Contents" heading, which can be disabled using `include-heading=false` or customized by adding content to the tag.
* Python 3.3 and 3.4 are supported * Fewer `LexError`s * Missing visitors at write time are non-fatal
* Python 3.5 source parser can handle single files * `<autodoc-python />` reports errors slightly better * `<autodoc-python />` source links point to a URL format of your choosing, rather than a crappy HTML page generated by Computer Words
* `<b>X</b> <b>Y</b>` is parsed correctly, along with many other cases * `<heading-link />` may have contents which override the heading name * `<autodoc-python />` supports `class`, `method`, `function`, and `render-absolute-path` * Turn more parse and traversal errors into non-fatal warnings