- Management command `get_stats_models_count` to list all the models in the datamodel with their number of instances. Supports ordering by model name and instances count both ascending and descending
- Command management `reset_password`
- Management command to get database connection string, could be used with pg_dump (`pg_dump --dbname=$CONNECTION_STRING`) see [](documentation)
/usr/bin/pg_dump --dbname=`python3 db_connection_string` | bzip2 --fast > backup.sql.bzip2
- nothing added
- Command management `check_superuser_with_email`: Now we check if any users exists not only superuser
- The datetimefomat accept two formats `yyyy-mm-ddTHH-mm-ssZ` and `yyyy-mm-ddTHH-mm-ss.SSSSSSZ`
- Disable trimmimng the leading and trailing whitespaces within CharField and TextField serializers.