- Update to Concrete schema 4.17, which adds convert package with ConvertCommunicationService, property package with Property type abstracted from situations, and id, canonical name, and property list fields to situation and entity types - Fix stale build
* Added `convert` package including a `ConvertCommunicationService` service. * Added custom `id` fields to `EntityMention`, `Situation`, `SituationMention`.
- Update Thrift to 0.16 - Fixed incompatibility with Python 3.8 caused by use of deprecated name for Python standard library class - Add support for Python 3.10 - Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6
- Fixed bug where `concrete.context` code was not included in 4.15.0 release
* Added `Context` structure and `AnnotateWithContextService` service. `Context`s are intended to be used to convey additional information alongside a `Communication` to be annotated.
- Updated to Concrete schema 4.15, which adds `Context` structure and `AnnotateWithContextService` service. `Context`s are intended to be used to convey additional information alongside a `Communication` to be annotated.
- Dropped support for Python 2.7
- Added `add_references` flag to CommunicationContainer classes
- Added shell script `install-mojave-homebrew-accelerated-thrift.sh` for installing accelerated Thrift on macOS using the Homebrew package manager.