* Enhancement: Move source code and tests into separate directories and use pytest to run documentation tests
`72 <https://github.com/PyconUK/ConferenceScheduler/pull/72>`_
* Enhancement: Schedules are now returned as lists rather than generator objects
`67 <https://github.com/PyconUK/ConferenceScheduler/pull/67>`_
* Enhancement: Add the `bumpversion <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bumpversion>`_ tool and its configuration
`65 <https://github.com/PyconUK/ConferenceScheduler/pull/65>`_
* Enhancement: Use a more efficient summation function instead of plain
addition within constraints
`64 <https://github.com/PyconUK/ConferenceScheduler/pull/64>`_
* New Feature: Differences between schedules
`63 <https://github.com/PyconUK/ConferenceScheduler/pull/63>`_
* Bug Fix: Unnecessary constraints were not being removed
`61 <https://github.com/PyconUK/ConferenceScheduler/pull/61>`_