* chore(coverage): added Codecov and Code Climate ([`0a585b8`](
* chore: Send coverage report to Coveralls after all checks completed ([`d8f767d`](
* chore: Skip build setup steps if version was not changed ([`86d2c8d`](
* chore: Run tests for multiple python versions ([`8258249`](
* docs: readme cleanup ([`8dba323`](
* docs: Update pypi badge color (blue) ([`feb756a`](
* docs: Set coveralls badge branch to &34;master&34; in README.rst ([`5fcbfb7`](
* feat: support annotated fields without default values ([`f4bf2dd`](
* refactor: added tests, improved coverage ([`9dff209`](
* refactor: added tests, improved coverage ([`cbd80e7`](
* refactor: using assert instead of unreachable exception ([`11444cb`](
* refactor: replaced unreachable exceptions with asserts ([`b2cdc88`](