
Latest version: v0.8.1.5

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- ConfigParserEnhanced is currently _alpha_ and has many changes occurring.

- Added `enter_handler()` method to `ConfigParserEnhanced`.
This should be called immediately upon entry to a handler to provide
logging information that can be useful when debugging.
This is in the public api -- not that we encourage a subclass to modify
it much but we encourage subclasses to use it in their custom handlers.
- Added `exit_handler()` method to `ConfigParserEnhanced`
This should be called just before a handler exits to provide
logging and information that can be useful when debugging.
This is in the public api -- not that we encourage a subclass to modify
it much but we encourage subclasses to use it in their custom handlers.
- Added `_launch_handler_generic` method to `ConfigParserEnhanced` which
is a wrapper to launching `handler_generic`. This handles launching
the generic handler and updating the `configparserenhanceddata` structure.
- This was also useful because we launch the generic handler from two
places in the parser.

- Moved `__version__` string to a new file, ``
- Replaced `` with `pyproject.toml`
- Generated using the *poetry* package (`python3 -m pip install --user poetry`).
- Updated `ConfigParserEnahanced._new_handler_parameters` to create a 'new'
`HandlerParameters` object when called that copies in the `data_shared` and
`data_internal` references from the caller but creates new entries for the
other pieces. This fixed a bug in recursion of `use <section>` entries where
the handler that is called would overwrite parts of `handler_parameters` which,
as a side effect, would change the state to the caller in the recursion.
- Modified the API to `_new_handler_parameters`
- Added




- Fixed issue in the formatting of the `ExceptionControl` method `exception_control_event`
where events are printed to the console rather than raising an exception. The message
now properly prints out the _call stack_ to the location where `exception_control_event`
was called from. The warning message formatting was changed slightly as well to add
the characters `!! ` as a prefix to all the lines in the message.


- Brought handling of a `key:value` pair where there is no separator character (`:`, `=`)
in line with how `configparser` handles these. If they key has a separator but no value
then the _value_ field will get an empty string, but if there is no separator then _value_
will be set to `None`. Prior to this, ConfigParserEnhanced converted _value_ to a string
which would cause `None` to be converted to a string: `"None"`.


- Removed `SetEnvironment` into its own repository.
- Cleaned up `` and added new helper scripts.


- `0.0.1` added to help SetEnvironment have a version to pull via Pip.

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