Breaking changes
- The `!env` tag has been removed, environment variables can now be loaded anywhere
- The `cfg://` syntax has been replaced with `!cfg`
- `!cfg` now redirects to a path in the current file (instead of the first loaded file)
- Use `!import` to load a path in another file
- The `ext://module.submodule.object` syntax has been replaced with `!ext module.submodule.object`
- Replaced `load_config_from_file` with a `configue.load` function, which is now the main entrypoint of the library
- use `configue.load("/path/to/file.yml")` to load a file
- use `configue.load("/path/to/file.yml", "")` to load only a section of a file
- loading a path in a file recursively loads all children (replaced the lazy-loading with path loading),
see README for more details
- Removed the `load_config_from_dict` function
- The `!list` tag has been removed, set your environment variable to `[value_1, value_2]` instead
Migration guide
- Remove all `!env` tags
- Remove all `!list` tags, and replace your environment variables from `value1,value2` to `[value1,value2]`
- Replace `ext://` with `!ext`
- If you are using `!import` to import a file containing values with `cfg://`, replace the `cfg://...` with
- Replace `cfg://` with `!cfg`
- Replace `configue.load_config_from_file(...)` with `configue.load(...)`
- Replace `configue.load_config_from_file(...)["path"]["to"]["load"]` with `configue.load(..., "")`
- The `!import` tag can now specify the path to load in the other file, with the syntax:
`! path/to/file.yml`
- Dictionaries and lists are now JSON dumpable and picklable
- Removed warning about missing environment variables from unloaded paths