!/bin/bash -e
function print_help() {
cat << EOF
Creates an Appliance release
Usage: start [options]
-h, --help Shows this help message.
-r, --revert Removes the current version tags. This allows the appliance
to be re-released.
-f, --force Release even if there are no changes. This is necessary
after a revert.
function revert_tag {
local tag="$1"
echo "Revert tag: $tag"
git tag -d $tag
git push origin :refs/tags/$tag
echo "Successfully reverted release: $tag"
git fetch --tags
version="v$(< VERSION)"
last_release=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-r | --revert ) revert_tag $version ; exit 0 ;;
-h | --help ) print_help ; exit 0 ;;
-f | --force ) FORCE_RELEASE=true ; shift ;;
* ) if [ -z "$1" ]; then break; else echo "$1 is not a valid option"; exit 1; fi;;
if [ "$version" = "$last_release" ]; then
echo 'To release, the VERSION file must be incremented to the latest release number.'
exit 1
if [[ ! $(git status --porcelain) && $FORCE_RELEASE = false ]]; then
cat << EOF
Your Git is clean. Please update the VERSION, CHANGELOG.md, and optionally
RELEASE_NOTES.md before releasing. The script will handle commits and pushing.
If you reverted a release, and are simply updating tags, the force tag can be used:
release --force
exit 1
echo "The last release was: $last_release"
echo "The next release will be: $version"
Make sure we have the most recent changes, without destroying local changes.
git stash
git pull --rebase origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
git stash pop
Perform a commit, tag, and push. The tag needs to be present before the commit
to insure Jenkins has what it needs to make a decision about a release.
git commit -am "$version"
git tag -a "$version" -m "$version release"
git push --follow-tags