🚀 New Features
There is now more support for visualise neuron activations after modelling:
- `get_input_activation()` (for input) and `get_neuron_activation()` (for output) get activations from selected neurons (in groups of choice) for all timepoints into a dataframe. This dataframe can be used in `get_ngl_link()`, to visualise activation of select neurons across time in neuroglancer.
- With `get_activations_for_path()`, it is now possible to e.g. get activation of timepoints 3-5, based on a path with 2 layers.
- `activated_path_for_ngl()` takes output from `get_activations_for_path()`, and turn it into a dataframe that can be used in `get_ngl_link()`, to visualise the propagation of activity in a path.
- `path_for_ngl()` takes a paths dataframe (without neuron activations), and turn it into a dataframe that can be used in `get_ngl_link()`, to visualise the propagation of signal in a path.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- It was previously noted in docs that model output included external input activations. This is now true...
- fix bug in group_paths when group value is int
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/YijieYin/connectome_interpreter/compare/v2.2.0...v2.3.0