
Latest version: v3.1.4

Safety actively analyzes 683530 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure

* test



* deps
* flake8
* readme


Not secure

* dependencies


Not secure

* 0.0.2
* template ports; cluster name validation
* conf
* doc
* provisioning
* templates
* .ds
* vsphere
* flake8
* added ability to fetch yaml swagger file
* flake8
* cluster-crud
* default-broker
* migrated to click and new pyvcloud
* merged
* moved-to-click
* pks
* removed templates
* flake8 passing
* removed .DS\_Store
* full working version, uses pkg\_resources instead of data files
* moved up swagger for packaging
* follows flake8 tests
* fixed issues with datafiles
* wip
* templates
* removed scripts
* removed deps
* removed deps
* removed deps
* temp fix
* fixed utils
* fixes swagger json method
* follows flake8 tests
* fixed errors in the cse
* removed pyc files
* gitignore
* allow client to fetch swagger files, packaged swagger with cse
* flake8
* doc
* doc
* gitignore
* doc
* moved-dir-up
* new-sdk-client
* new-sdk-client
* new-sdk-client
* new-sdk-client
* new-sdk-client
* deleted DS Stores
* update
* delete all kov-py files
* created swagger file and deleted all kov-py stuff (swagger code-gen)
* deps
* wip
* new-impl
* fixed import error
* deps
* req
* readme
* kov-int
* doc
* adapter
* vc-adapter
* renamed the folder to pykov and added setup.cfg to get it to work with naming the package pykov
* created the swagger-codgen generated python-sdk's
* created the swagger-codgen generated python-sdk's
* ci
* wip
* delete
* Packer scripts for kub master and worker template creation
* add-n-list
* basic-reply
* docs
* wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* req
* readme
* init
* pika
* Add DCO information
* Add DCO information
* example
* init
* wip
* wip
* dir-renamed
* dir-renamed
* config
* license
* license
* license
* wip
* Adding .gitignore template
* Add CONTRIBUTING template
* Add README template

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