Changed - `co.Residual` modules to be unnamed. This allows the module state dicts to be flattened.
Added - Flattened state dict export and loading via a `flatten` argument. This feature improves interoperability complex modules, that were not originally constructed with the `co.Sequential` and `co.Parallel` building blocks. - Context manager for triggering flattened state_dict export and loading.
Added - Support for zero-delay in `co.Delay` - Support for broadcasting in `co.Parallel` - Mul (hadamard product) aggregation in `co.Parallel` - Example of Squeeze and Excitation block
Changed - `co._PoolNd` attribute naming: "temporal_*" removed as prefix for kernel_size, stride, dilation, and padding.
Added - `co.Delay` handling for padding. - Handling of initialization and strides in containers
Changed - `co.Conv` `build_from` behavior to not change dilation and stride. Argument overload supported instead. - `pad_start` and `pad_end` args to convolution and pooling modules `forward_steps`. - Behavior of modules while they initialize. Now, a TensorPlaceholder is passed for initializing steps.
Removed - Automatic unsqueeze in pooling.
Added - Support for dropout.
Added - Support for dilation and stride in pooling.
Changed - Pooling API to match torch.nn better. - `_ConvCoNd.forward_steps` doesn't invoke `clean_state` anymore.