* Added timeout on request.get() for ensuring that if a recipient serve… (1772) openrefactory
* Fixing Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF) order in docs 1792 (1793) Lahiry
* Reduce I/O (1877) kurtmckee
* Remove a pre-commit hook special case (1875) kurtmckee
* Remove universal bdist_wheel option; use "python -m build" (1739) mwtoews
* Remove unused import from post-generate hook script example (1795) KAZYPinkSaurus
* Standardize newlines for all platforms (1870) kurtmckee
* feat: Add resolved template repository path as _repo_dir to the context (1771) tmeckel
Minor Changes
* Added support for providing human-readable prompts to the different variables (1881) vemonet
* Added: Boolean variable support in JSON (1626) liortct
* Added: CLI option to keep project files on failure. (1669) MaciejPatro
* Added: Support partially overwrite keys in nested dict (1692) cksac
* Added: Templates inheritance (1485) simobasso
* Code quality: Tests upgrade: Use pathlib for files read/write (1718) insspb
* Inline jinja2-time extension code (1779) tranzystorek-io
* Support Python 3.11 (1850) kurtmckee
* Support nested config files (1770) dariocurr
* preserves original options in `_cookiecutter` (1874) kjaymiller
CI/CD and QA changes
* Add a Dependabot config to autoupdate GitHub workflow actions (1851) kurtmckee
* Added: Readthedocs build config (1707) insspb
* Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 (1854) dependabot
* Bump paambaati/codeclimate-action from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 (1853) dependabot
* CI/CD: Tox -> Nox: Added nox configuration (1706) insspb
* CI/CD: Tox -> Nox: Github actions definition minimized + Sync nox and github actions (1714) insspb
* CI/CD: Tox -> Nox: Makefile update: Removed watchmedo and sed dependency, tox replaced with nox (1713) insspb
* CI/CD: Updated .pre-commit-config.yaml to use latest hooks versions (1712) insspb
* Code quality: Core files: Added exception reason reraise when exception class changed (PEP 3134) (1719) insspb
* Code quality: Tests upgrade: Use pathlib for files read/write (1718) insspb
* Code quality: core files: Format replaced with f-strings (1716) insspb
* Code quality: refactored and type annotated (1721) insspb
* Code quality: tests files: Simplify statements fixes (1717) insspb
* Code quality: utils.make_sure_path_exists refactored and type annotated (1722) insspb
* Fixed: recommonmark replaced with myst, as recommonmark is deprecated (1709) insspb
* Pretty-format JSON files (1864) kurtmckee
* Rename `master` to `main` so CI runs correctly on merge (1852) kurtmckee
* Standardize EOF newlines (1876) kurtmckee
* Update `.gitignore` and cite where it was copied from (1879) kurtmckee
* Update base docs, remove tox (1858) ericof
* Update pre-commit hook versions (1849) kurtmckee
* Updated: Release drafter configuration (1704) insspb
* Use tox (1866) kurtmckee
* Verify an expected warning is raised (1869) kurtmckee
* fixed failing lint ci action by updating repo of flake8 (1838) Tamronimus
Documentation updates
* Add jinja env docs (1872) pamelafox
* Documentation extension: Create a Cookiecutter From Scratch tutorial (1592) miro-jelaska
* Easy PR! Fix typos and add minor doc updates (1741) Alex0Blackwell
* Expand cli documentation relating to the no-input flag (1543) (1587) jeremyswerdlow
* Fix audreyr to audreyfeldroy github account rename (1604) ri0t
* Fixed broken links to jinja docs (1691) insspb
* Fixed minor typos in docs (1753) segunb
* Fixed: Python code block in the replay documentation (1715) juhannc
* Fixed: recommonmark replaced with myst, as recommonmark is deprecated (1709) insspb
* Improve Docs Readability (1690) ryanrussell
* Update base docs, remove tox (1858) ericof
* Updated: Boolean Variables documentation and docstrings (1705) italomaia
* docs: fix simple typo, shat -> that (1749) timgates42
* fixing badge display problem (1798) Paulokim1
* Fixed the override not working with copy only dir 1650 (1651) zhongdai
* Fixed: Removed mention of packages versions, to exclude dependabot warnings alerts (1711) insspb
* cleanup files if panics during hooks - bugfix (1760) liortct
This release is made by wonderful contributors:
Alex0Blackwell, KAZYPinkSaurus, Lahiry, MaciejPatro, Paulokim1, Tamronimus, cksac, cookies-xor-cream, dariocurr, dependabot, dependabot[bot], ericof, insspb, italomaia, jeremyswerdlow, juhannc, kjaymiller, kurtmckee, liortct, miro-jelaska, mwtoews, openrefactory, pamelafox, ri0t, ryanrussell, segunb, simobasso, timgates42, tmeckel, tranzystorek-io, vemonet and zhongdai