
Latest version: v6.7.0

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New features:
- Android wrapper available
- Javascript interface extended to export AbstractState and some functions
- Fixed a wide range of issues with tables
- ... and a lot of little bugfixes (see issues)

Issues Closed:
- `914 <>`_ : Tabular ammonia calc yields very different results using TTSE vs. bicubic, including non-physical and NaN quantities
- `909 <>`_ : Fortran wrapper on Win...still unable to run it!
- `906 <>`_ : Add DOI for Novec649
- `904 <>`_ : Deuterium reference has wrong year
- `903 <>`_ : Some BibTeX keys need updating
- `902 <>`_ : Trap errors in get_BibTeXKey and throw
- `901 <>`_ : Viscosity of some incompressibles off by a factor of 100 and 1000
- `899 <>`_ : Cp, Cv, speed_sound cannot be calculated with QT inputs (Q=0 or 1) and tabular backends
- `897 <>`_ : Update DEF for new AbstractState functions
- `896 <>`_ : Tabular refactor
- `894 <>`_ : License on homepage
- `889 <>`_ : MSVCP100.dll and MSVCR100.dll dependency issue...
- `888 <>`_ : Multi-output library function
- `886 <>`_ : ALTERNATE_REFPROP_PATH ignored in low-level interface
- `882 <>`_ : Tabular backends and phase specification
- `880 <>`_ : low-level interface MATLAB using shared library
- `871 <>`_ : Issues with Cp, Cv, u, and viscosity with QT_INPUTS where Q=0 or 1 (xxx&REFPROP backend)
- `869 <>`_ : Fix javascript builder on buildbot
- `868 <>`_ : Fix fortran builds on buildbot
- `865 <>`_ : Hide tabular generation outputs when debug_level=0
- `859 <>`_ : Windows wrapper for Octave not working for v 4.0
- `853 <>`_ : Problem with linking shared libraries using Code::Blocks and CoolProp
- `849 <>`_ : Tidy up references in online docs
- `848 <>`_ : PropsSImulti in Python
- `845 <>`_ : Tabular calculations fail with message "Unable to bisect segmented vector slice..."
- `844 <>`_ : failure in calculation enthalpy for water
- `843 <>`_ : Calling AbstractState.update() using Dmass_P input pair causes stack overflow in tabular backends
- `842 <>`_ : Wrong enthalpy calculation for SES36
- `841 <>`_ : R1233zd(E) reference
- `840 <>`_ : Failure to calculate any state using input pair QT_INPUTS with backend TTSE&REFPROP
- `838 <>`_ : Request: implement a configuration variable to specify directory for tabular interpolation data
- `837 <>`_ : Exceptions thrown when getting/setting MAXIMUM_TABLE_DIRECTORY_SIZE_IN_GB configuration setting
- `835 <>`_ : Request: CoolProp.AbstractState.first_saturation_deriv wrapped in CoolPropLib.h
- `831 <>`_ : Predefined mixtures fail for BICUBIC&REFPROP backend
- `826 <>`_ : Unit conversion problem somewhere in Bicubic backend for enthalpy
- `825 <>`_ : PQ_with_guesses assumes bubble point
- `824 <>`_ : C-Sharp Wrapper AbstractState mole_fractions_liquid
- `823 <>`_ : Documentation for use of static libraries is unclear
- `822 <>`_ : Request: PropsSI Inputs of D and Q
- `821 <>`_ : Fix pip command for nightly
- `820 <>`_ : Add cmake option to generate Android .so library
- `819 <>`_ : Expose phase envelope calculations in javascript
- `814 <>`_ : saturated_liquid/vapor_keyed_output for tabular backend
- `812 <>`_ : Add ability to retrieve mass fractions
- `810 <>`_ : Python builds crash on Windows
- `809 <>`_ : Implement fluid_param_string in python
- `807 <>`_ : Return all critical points
- `805 <>`_ : Coolprop function like Refprop Excel Fluidstring Function for mixtures
- `804 <>`_ : Allow disabling parameter estimation in REFPROP
- `802 <>`_ : Error with two-phase DT inputs for R134a
- `800 <>`_ : Add access to contributions to viscosity and conductivity
- `799 <>`_ : Add access to conformal state solver in AbstractState
- `798 <>`_ : Add linear and Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rules
- `796 <>`_ : Add SATTP guess implementation
- `795 <>`_ : Provide swigged MATLAB wrapper code
- `793 <>`_ : Set interaction parameters in REFPROP through CoolProp
- `792 <>`_ : Allow possibility to set interaction parameters even if the mixture isn't already included
- `789 <>`_ : Make sure all phases are calculated correctly for BICUBIC&HEOS backend
- `788 <>`_ : Make sure all phases are calculated correctly for HEOS backend
- `786 <>`_ : Implement conductivity for pentanes
- `785 <>`_ : Implement viscosity for Toluene
- `784 <>`_ : Add docs for get/set config functions
- `783 <>`_ : Failure in PsychScript
- `777 <>`_ : No input passed with PT_INPUTS and tabular backed
- `776 <>`_ : Fix docs for IF97 backend
- `773 <>`_ : Missing files in LabVIEW wrapper folder or documentation needed
- `772 <>`_ : Acentric factor of air
- `770 <>`_ : Make clear() overridable / clear Helmholtz cache
- `769 <>`_ : Improve docs for second partial derivatives
- `768 <>`_ : Fix solver for first criticality contour crossing
- `767 <>`_ : When tracing criticality contour, make sure that delta is always increasing
- `764 <>`_ : Add `calc_speed_sound` to tabular backend
- `763 <>`_ : Add and implement all phase functions to tabular backends
- `762 <>`_ : Temperature with `HmassP_INPUTS` with twophase fluid and tabular
- `761 <>`_ : Add auto-generated docs for configuration variables
- `760 <>`_ : Add `surface tension` to tabular backend
- `759 <>`_ : Add comprehensive docs for REFPROP interface
- `757 <>`_ : Cannot evaluate PT (or PH?) below p_triple
- `756 <>`_ : HAPropsSI does not converge for T= 299.8 K
- `754 <>`_ : Failure with sat derivative with QT and tables
- `753 <>`_ : Relative humidity calculation error
- `751 <>`_ : D-P is far slower than it should be
- `750 <>`_ : Invalid index to calc_first_saturation_deriv in TabularBackends
- `747 <>`_ : Plotting example on does not work - potentially related to issue #351
- `746 <>`_ : Implement viscosity models for HFO (ECS?)
- `745 <>`_ : Undocumented high level interface for saturation derivatives
- `742 <>`_ : Expedite the D+Y flash routines
- `741 <>`_ : Expedite the single-phase T+Y flash routines
- `740 <>`_ : HapropsSI("T", "B", 299.15, "R", 0, "P", 101325) lead to an error
- `739 <>`_ : Quality-related updates with tabular backend
- `738 <>`_ : TTSE ranges
- `737 <>`_ : Missing bib entry IAPWS-SurfaceTension-1994
- `735 <>`_ : phase is wrong for water at STP
- `734 <>`_ : F is missing from mixture interaction parameters on the web
- `733 <>`_ : Typo in excess term in mixture docs
- `731 <>`_ : Add EOS for Novec 649 from McLinden
- `730 <>`_ : Merge references from paper about CoolProp into main bib file
- `727 <>`_ : HapropsSI("T", "B", 299.15, "R", 0, "P", 101325) lead to an error
- `726 <>`_ : Improve caching of derivative terms when using mixtures
- `725 <>`_ : Implement dipole moment


714 : Possible error in isobaric thermal expansion coefficient
713 : Bicubic backend and first_saturation_deriv
712 : Expose saturation derivatives from PropsSI [wishlist]
708 : CoolPropsetup.m needs to be installed
707 : conda builds
703 : 2/ HapropsSI ( “T” , “B” , ValueB, “W” , 0 , “P” , 101325) lead to an error
702 : 1 : HapropsSI ( “T” , “H” , ValueH, “W” , 0 , “P” , 101325) lead to an error
700 : If git is not found, still compile properly
699 : Fugacity using Python wrapper
697 : Get State (old-style) class working with predefined mixtures
696 : cp0 broken for tabular backends
695 : Problem with reference state
691 : variable names for second_partial_deriv
688 : PropsSI in saturation region
685 : Problem with Hazard output
684 : some problem and questions for calc in Excel
681 : Mix call failure after release update
680 : Tabular backend data range too small for (P,H) inputs and R245fa
675 : Get consistency plots working with Tabular backends
674 : QT inputs do not work for Tabular backends
673 : Mass-based saturation derivatives not supported
672 : Tabular methods returns hmolar for smolar for saturation
671 : MATLAB on OSX cannot load REFPROP
670 : Low-Level interfacing with MATLAB
668 : R wrapper
664 : Re-enable triple point for REFPROP backend for mixtures
663 : Vapor mass quality = 1 generates error for pseudo-pures
662 : Write function to determine phase after an update with PT and a guess for rho
661 : Predefined mixtures not working properly with Tabular backends
660 : T,X and PS, PD, PU not working with BICUBIC, but does with TTSE
659 : Add “PIP” as parameter
658 : Implement PIP for REFPROP
657 : Describe how to call REFPROP
654 : Add ability to calculate Ideal curves
653 : Implement update_with_guesses for P,T for REFPROP backend
652 : Implement solver for “true” critical point using REFPROP
650 : MATLAB examples not on website
648 : Link to examples broken
647 : Implement the new REFPROP header file and make necessary changes
646 : Add B,C virial coefficients for REFPROP backend
645 : PQ_INPUTS don’t work with TTSE backend
644 : Get first_two_phase_deriv working with Tabular backends
641 : Install psyrc file
640 : Expose saturation_ancillary equation through python
639 : Incorrect error when non two-phase inputs to two-phase deriv
638 : Heavy Water Viscosity Unavailable
636 : Error surface tension in CoolProp v5.1.0
635 : Implement first_saturation_deriv for TTSE/BICUBIC
631 : Methane conductivity
630 : Make HS use DH rather than PH
629 : Handle PT inputs around saturation in a better way with BICUBIC
628 : Dry air enthalpy
627 : Test that H and S are the same for all the state points
626 : Improve docs for low-level interface
622 : TTSE fails around saturated liquid
617 : Block Tabular backend use with PropsSI somehow


New features:

Tabular interpolation using TTSE or Bicubic interpolation (
Equation of state for heavy water
Added IF97 backend for industrial formulation for properties of pure water
Lots of little bugfixes (see issues)

Issues Closed:

624 : Stability in two-phase region
621 : TTSE Input Param (Water)
620 : TTSE Problem (Water)
618 : H,S not working for pseudo-pure
615 : Ammonia T-P saturation calculation deviation
614 : Typos in parameter descriptions.
612 : Added missing cell “Input/Output” for enthalpy row.
611 : Splined Output Doubt
609 : Some Windows builds fail (error removing non-existent directory)
608 : MinGW builds fail
605 : CMake changes
602 : TTSE fails for two-phase H,P with heavy water
601 : Benzene conductivity bibtex is wrong
599 : Something is messed up with water properties
595 : add DOIs to bibliography
591 : Request for extension: table of quantities in the documentation for HAPropsSI like for PropsSI
588 : matplotlib and numpy should not be explicit dependencies
586 : HAProps humidity ratio calculation issue
585 : HAProps at low humidity ratio
584 : [Tabular] pure fluid AbstractState returns the wrong mole fractions
583 : Development docs only available on dreamhosters
579 : Issue with Excel Wrapper for Coolprop for OS X Excel 2011
578 : Update examples to show how to call TTSE and BICUBIC backends
577 : Unicode characters in bibtex not being escaped properly
575 : Phase envelopes should be able to be constructed for pure fluids too
574 : Methane (and pentane) transport properties
573 : Bug in derivatives from Matlab
570 : Implement EOS for heavy water
569 : REFPROP SPLNval for rhomolar_vap wrong
568 : Reference of state not working for Refprop backend
567 : Add IF97 Backend
566 : Retrieve phase envelopes from REFPROP using SPLNVAL function
564 : Molecular Formulas as Trivial Property
562 : Add docs about how to set the reference state
556 : [Tabular] Saturation curves for mixtures
555 : [Tabular] Re-enable the PHI0dll function for REFPROP
552 : IsFluidType function
549 : Implement up to 4th order derivatives of all Helmholtz terms (except SAFT)
548 : Problem with HAPropsSI
546 : Small speed enhancement for Julia wrapper
541 : Update CoolProp.jl
540 : Update CoolProp.jl
539 : Add SATTP to REFPROP wrapper
537 : [Tabular] rebuild tables if limits (especially enthalpies) have shifted
536 : Add low level interface to Julia wrapper as discussed in 534 + Fixes 497
535 : When using high-level wrapper of low-level interface, errors don’t bubble properly
534 : Add error handling to Julia’s wrapper
532 : More Coverity cleanups
530 : When reference state is changed, reducing/critical and hs_anchor states need to be changed
529 : First bunch of Coverity Scan static analysis warning fixes
528 : PQ Flash Failure for CO2+Water
527 : Silence all output to screen when building phase envelopes
526 : When building phase envelopes, stop when the composition is almost pure
524 : set_reference_state does not create expected output
523 : error: thermal conductivity R32: _phase is unknown
522 : [Tabular] Implement solver when one of the inputs is not a native input
521 : [Tabular] Fix derivatives, and c_p
520 : [Tabular] Fix transport properties
519 : [Tabular] Fix cells close to the saturation curves
518 : Tabular methods implemented
517 : Isobaric expansion coefficient is not implemented
516 : [Tabular] Actually zip up the tables using zlib
515 : Kill off the CRT deprecate warning (512)
513 : Primitive structures simplification attempt 2
512 : Kill off the CRT deprecate warning
511 : Python version should be 5.1.0dev, not just 5.1.0
508 : Add a ways of using the shared_ptr directly through shared library
507 : Add possibility to disable a backend at compile-time
506 : [Tabular] Add docs for TTSE and bicubic usage
497 : Julia and C++ Low Level Interface for faster Computation
490 : Add partial pressure of water as an output in HAPropsSI
481 : A bug is found when pressure approximates Critical Pressure for Air
455 : HS Inputs in PropsSI function working in two-phase region?
297 : Call matlab script from command line, with no window, catching errors, and never going interactive
296 : Update examples for v5
262 : Re-implement tabular methods
43 : [Tabular] Warn about tabular folder size


New features:

Added a Smath Studio native wrapper (thanks to Mike Kaganski for all his help)
Lots of little cleanups to the code (thanks to Mike Kaganski)

Issues Closed:

510 : const, ref and iterator optimization
509 : Exceptions restructured
505 : AbstractState in python should implement phase() function
504 : More ref args
503 : Add compressibility factor for humid air
502 : thread_local broken on OSX
501 : thread_local: one more (hopefully portable) attempt
500 : Fix directory size calculations
499 : Longdouble remap
498 : HAProp - Conductivity & Viscosity
496 : Implement checking of directory size
495 : CoolPropDbl
493 : Avoid copying of parameters; some fixes for _HAPropsSI_inputs
492 : Add docs for Low-Level Interface
488 : Some more static analyser warning fixes
487 : Cannot use REFPROP to get reducing state variables
485 : Rewrite HAPropsSI to call _HAPropsSI
484 : Kill off all warnings in 64-bit compilation
483 : Problems noted by VS2013 static analysis
479 : RelativeHumidity simplification
478 : Julia 0.3 wrapper
476 : buildbot failure messages don’t have the correct URL


472 : Fix potential buffer overflow with get_parameter_information_string
471 : Document which inputs are possible in Props1SI
470 : Consider evaluating water at Tdb,p for transport properties in humid air
469 : Initialize fluids in HAProps_Aux
468 : Sanitize internal code in HAPropsSI
467 : Cp in HAPropsSI cannot be calculated in 5.0.7
466 : Prandtl number cannot be returned directly

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