Adds a new preprocess type `twitter_v2_likes_retweets` for handling likes and retweets from the V2 Twitter API. This will allow coordinated liking to be examined using the co-retweet network type. Currently this support is very experimental and should be used with care.
An example of creating a like network from the output of the likes for a specific person:
> compute_networks likes.db preprocess --format twitter_v2_likes_retweets likes_1.json likes_2.json
The only useful command for this is the "co_retweet" function, which is overloaded to match on accounts liking the same tweet. The time-window parameter is related to the logical ordering of likes (for `liking-users` and `retweeted-by`), or not used at all (for `liked-tweets`), as there is no precise timestamp associated with when the like happened. The logical ordering of the time window means that behaviours are considered coordinated if they are within time_window likes of each other in the stream.
> compute_networks likes.db compute co_retweet --time_window 60 --output_file likes_within_60.graphml --output_format graphml