What's Changed
* GH-26: Fix coquille.coquille.__all__ to add `write` by qexat in https://github.com/qexat/Coquille/pull/27
* Bump to 1.0.2 by qexat in https://github.com/qexat/Coquille/pull/28
In https://github.com/qexat/Coquille/pull/29:
* New `CoquilleLike` interface to avoid code duplication
* `_ContextCoquille` attributes are now "public" (to implement `CoquilleLike` correctly)
even though the class itself is private
* `Coquille` has now a `print` method (same as `_ContextCoquille`'s one)
* `Coquille.write()` has breaking changes: it is no longer a
staticmethod (see `write` function instead), and uses the coquille's registered
* The standalone `write` function is not an alias of
`Coquille.write()` anymore
* Bump to 1.1.0
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/qexat/Coquille/compare/1.0.1...1.1.0