**Breaking changes**
Please refer to [upgrading docs](http://cornice.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrading.html) for detailed migration instructions.
- Dropped Python 2.6 support (368)
- Got rid of Buildout files (369)
- Got rid of Spore extension (379)
- Moved Sphinx extension to dedicated repo (379)
- Moved project scaffold to dedicated repo (238, 390)
- Completely rework the schema validation features (376, 386)
- Moved examples to dedicated repo (392)
- Custom `error_handler` now receives the request instead of errors (381)
- Errors list `request.errors` has no `request` anymore (372, 378)
- `request.errors.add()` now only accepts one of `header`, `body`, `url`,
`path`, `querystring`, `cookies` or `method` as first argument (374)
- Remove deprecated features (382)
**Internal changes**
- Take `__version__` from setup.py (358)
- Remove duplicated list of test deps in tox file (371)