I'm releasing `corpkit` today as `1.0` mostly so that it can get a DOI and be cited.
The toolkit's `interrogator()`, `editor()`, `plotter()`, `conc()` and `keywords()` functions are now in a fairly useable state, though documentation of some options may still be lacking. I also haven't really testing the toolkit on single subcorpora and plain text files, because the main aim is to work with parsed and structured corpora.
A major issue at present is that dependency querying is quite slow. Though I think it could be sped up by multiprocessing, and by parsing CoreNLP output with `lxml`/ `corenlp_xml`. Because Knuth warns against premature optimisation, and because I have a thesis to finish, I'm going to try not to spend too much time on this issue yet.
This release also marks the start of my transition toward developing:
- Tools for getting data parsed and structured
- Tools for connecting concordance lines to HTML
Once these are done, I'll ideally like to wrap everything up as some kind of web-service/application. These future goals, however, score me very few points for my thesis, so I'm not going to be developing them as furiously as I'd like to be.
Be in touch if you have any questions or comments!