
Latest version: v8.2

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corrfitter.EigenBasis, which is corrfitter's implementation of a generalized eigenvalue algorithm (GEVP), is updated so that it runs correctly for correlators that have oscillating states (from staggered quarks). See the appendix on matrix fits to see how it is used, as well as the documentation for EigenBasis.

Verion 8.1.1 2020-11-19
Again a very minor bug fix to remove a deprecation message that numpy has started generating.


Minor update to make corrfitter consistent with gvar/lsqfit version 11.6.

- corrfitter.EigenBasis has new method, regulate, based on gvar.regulate.

- Documentation updates to reflect changes in gvar and lsqfit.



- Fixes incompatibility between EigenBasis.svd and gvar.svd. Return result
has an attribute svdcorrection which should be an array or dictionary
but was previously the sum of all the entries in the array or dictionary.
This should have no effect otherwise.


Minor update.

- Fixes bug in CorrFitter __init__ routine. Caused crashes under unusual
conditions but otherwise had no effect. Concerns conversion nterm->mopt.

- Fixes documentation on various examples. More information about how to
choose SVD cuts and about evaluating fit quality.

- Works with gvar 9.1 and lsqfit 11.2.


Adapted to work with v11 of lsqfit. Keyword 'extend' disappears (but is
no longer needed).


Minor bug fix (to do with nterm vs mopt).

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