What's Changed
* Updated nautilus integration by johannesulf in https://github.com/joezuntz/cosmosis/pull/90
* Expose emcee "a" parameter by joezuntz in https://github.com/joezuntz/cosmosis/pull/67
* Allow more configuration of the `run_cosmosis` and `run_postprocess` functions, for use from Jupyter or other interactive notebooks.
* Add the `cosmosis-campaign` tool to manage suites of related runs.
* Allow output in `astropy` table format in interactive mode.
* Extensive changes to logging - we now exclusively use cosmosis.logs for anything that is printed during main sampling
* The `quiet` option is deprecated in favour of more fine-grained logging control.
* Tidy up the output in general
* Update the setup script to avoid the deprecated distutils.
* Deal with various deprecation warnings
* Modify the format of the tables output by the "statistics" postprocessor so they can be read in astropy.
* Fix corner plots so you can put multiple chains on the same axes.
* Allow using MPI pools with general communicator objects - should make it possible to run under MPI in jupyter eventually.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/joezuntz/cosmosis/compare/v2.5.1...v3.0