
Latest version: v2.2.0

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- TypeError in ``find_item`` method (`54`_).
- ``cot inject-config`` correctly handles OVAs with multiple empty CD-ROM
drives to choose amongst (`54`_ also).
- Cisco CSR1000v platform now supports 8 CPUs as a valid option.


- ``cot inject-config --extra-files`` parameter (`53`_).
- Helper class for ``isoinfo`` (a companion to ``mkisofs``).
- Added glossary of terms to COT documentation.
- Inline documentation (docstrings) are now validated using the `Pylint`_
`docparams`_ extension.


- Refactored the monolithic ``COT/`` file into a proper submodule.
- :func:`~COT.helpers.mkisofs.MkIsoFs.create_iso` now adds Rock Ridge extensions
by default.
- Refactored :mod:`COT.helpers` into two modules - :mod:`COT.helpers`
(now just for handling helper programs such as ``apt-get`` and ``mkisofs``)
and :mod:`COT.disks` (which uses the helpers to handle ISO/VMDK/QCOW2/RAW
image files).
- Inline documentation (docstrings) have been converted to "`Google style`_"
for better readability in the code. Sphinx rendering of documentation
(for, etc) now makes use of the `napoleon`_ extension to
handle this style.


- :func:`get_checksum` is no longer part of the :mod:`COT.helpers` API.
(It's now the method :func:`~COT.data_validation.file_checksum` in
``COT.data_validation``, where it really belonged from the start).
- :func:`download_and_expand` is no longer part of the :mod:`COT.helpers`
public API. (It's now the static method
on class :class:`~COT.helpers.helper.Helper`.)



Newer versions of Sphinx have dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3, so
I have updated COT's installation requirements to use older Sphinx versions
under these Python versions.




- When adding NICs to an OVF, if no ``-nic-networks`` are specified,
``cot edit-hardware`` will now try to infer sequential naming of the
Network elements and if successful, offer to create additional Networks
as appropriate. (`18`_)




- Issue `52`_ - OVFItemDataError raised when adding NICs to CSR1000V OVA,
or more generally when cloning an OVFItem whose ElementName references
its Connection.




- ``cot deploy ... --serial-connection`` will create additional serial ports
beyond those defined in the OVF, if requested. Previously it would ask the
user for confirmation but not actually do anything about it. (`51`_)




- Support for Python 3.5
- Enhancements to ``cot edit-properties`` (`50`_):

- Added ``--user-configurable`` option to set whether created/updated
properties are marked as user-configurable in the OVF.
- Added ``--labels`` and ``--descriptions`` options to set/update the
labels and descriptions associated with properties.
- It's now valid to set no default value for a property by
omitting the ``=value``, as in ``-p property-with-no-value``, as well as
the existing ``-p property-with-empty-value=`` syntax to set
an empty string as the value.
- Users can now optionally specify the property type to enforce for each
property by using the delimiter ``+type``, as in ``-p key=1+boolean``.


- Switched from statement coverage to branch coverage for better test analysis.
- Moved from `Coveralls`_ to `Codecov`_ for test coverage tracking, since
Coveralls does not support branch coverage reporting.


- When ``cot edit-hardware`` is used to create new NICs in an OVF that
previously had none, and the user does not specify any corresponding Network
entries, automatically create a 'VM Network' entry, because all NICs must
be mapped to Networks for a valid OVF descriptor.

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