- Will Cunningham <>
- Bash lepton support reintroduced with some UX modifications to the Lepton class. Leptons which use scripting languages can be specified as either (1) a command run in the shell/console or (2) a call to a function in a library/script. Leptons which use compiled languages must specify a library and a function name.
- The keyword argument `display_name` can be used to override the name appearing in the UI. Particularly useful when the lepton is a command.
- All arguments except for language are now keyword arguments.
- Keyword arguments passed to a Bash lepton are understood to define environment variables within the shell.
- Non-keyword arguments fill in `$1`, `$2`, etc.
- Named outputs enumerate variables within the shell which will be returned to the user. These can be either `Lepton.OUTPUT` or `Lepton.INPUT_OUTPUT` types.
- New fields to the decomposed result object Database: