- Calculation of circumsphere from center for convex polyhedra.
- Simple name-based shape getter for damasceno SHAPES dictionary.
- Polygons moment of inertia calculation.
- Interoperability with the GSD shape specification.
- Shape families and stored data for well-known families.
- All shapes can be centered anywhere in 3D Euclidean space.
- Extensive style checking using black, isort, and various other flake8 plugins.
- Make Circle area settable.
- 3D shapes can be oriented by their principal axes.
- Make Sphere volume settable.
- Inertia tensors for polyhedra and moments of inertia for polygons are calculated in global coordinates rather than the body frame.
- Modified testing of convex hulls to generate points on ellipsoids to avoid degenerate simplices.
- All insphere, circumsphere, and bounding sphere calculations now return the appropriate classes instead of tuples.
- The common_shapes subpackage.