* Added tutorial video and used notebooks
* Added to examples/:
- LP/CP contest 2021, first problem
- wolf-goat-cabbage and n-puzzle rework
- palindrome day problem
- graph coloring australia (with actual map)
* Added to examples/advanced/:
- CPMpy versions of visual examples from A. Schiendorfer
- visual sudoku example with pytorch neural network classification
- cost-optimal unsatisfiable subset search example
- step-wise explanations of satisfiable problems
- smart predict + optimize with integrated pytorch training
- counterfactual explanations of optimisation problems
- VRP by learning from historical data
* API change:
- m.solve() now only returns True/False, also for optimisation
- new: m.objective\_value(), to get the objective after solving
- new: SolverLookup.get(solvername, model) for easy solver getting
names also allow e.g. 'minizinc:chuffed' and 'pysat:glucose4'
* pysat: better checking of correct package installed
* pysat: automatic encoding of cardinality constraints like sum(x) >= v
* to\_cnf: more testing, some bugfixes
* ort: basic support for 'power' operator
* ort: added installation instructions for or-tools on Apple M1
* ort: bugfix in solution hinting, clear hints once
* ort: fix log callback duplicate printing
* mzn: generic fix for offset 1/0 errors
* model: better handle empty constraints and non-standard lists
* model: can now save\_to/load\_from pickle files
* bugfixes in bounds computations for modulo operator
* get\_vars: ensure the transformation returns unique elements
* requirements included minizinc, no longer the case (it is optional)
* many documentation updates