
Latest version: v1.17.0

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- don't link against numpy anymore (this makes distribution of prebuilt
binaries on windows actually useful)
- add MAD-X license notice (required to distribute binaries)
- setup.py doesn't require setuptools to be pre-installed anymore (if
internet is available)
- some doc-fixes
- convert cpymad._couch to a simple module (was a single file package)
- use ``logging`` through-out the project
- alow logger to be specified as model/madx constructor argument
- multi-column access, e.g.: ``table.columns['betx','bety']``
- move tests one folder level up


- raise exception and don't hang up anymore, if libmadx process crashes
- on python>=3.4, close handles in remote process properly
- let every 'Madx' instance have an independent copy of the madx library.
this makes the madx module much more useful. previously, this was only
true for instances of 'cpymad.model'.
- restrict to only one cython module that links to libmadx. (allows static
linking which is advantageous on windows!)
- use YAML model files instead of JSON
- make 'madx' a submodule of 'cpymad'
- fix test exit status


- if no table columns are selected, show all by default
- need setuptools>=18.0
- thread-support:
- release GIL during ``input()``
- can specify a lock for minrpc


- Update official support to ``MAD-X 5.02.12``


- fix bug in Madx.chdir with paths including uppercase letters


- rename ``Madx.call``'s first parameter as in MAD-X
- handle all ``USE`` parameters in ``Madx.use``

- provide manylinux wheels!
- remove spurious dependency on pyyaml
- finally get the real meaning of MADX_STATIC and BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
- default to BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF on all platforms
- rework arguments for setup.py
- make linking against X11 optional (requires unreleased MAD-X ``5.04.02``)
- default to X11=OFF if building MAD-X
- improve documentation

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