
Latest version: v0.3.412

Safety actively analyzes 681866 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* 18: Returns the results as well when capturing the standard output (2020-05-16)



* 17: Add a simple C++ implementation for gemm. (2020-01-17)
* 15: enable openmp on mac (2020-01-17)
* 16: Add an example of an agnostic container (no data in python containers) (2019-08-29)
* 14: link with openmp, implement dot product with it (2019-07-21)
* 13: remove folder src (2019-05-23)
* 7: add an example with cython (2019-04-04)
* 12: implements a benchmark to measure a sum of floats with float and double accumulator (2019-03-20)
* 11: add parameter div_by_number to measure_time (2019-02-26)
* 10: fix binary location in the setup (2019-02-16)
* 5: implement a new pandas column type based on a C++ array type (2019-02-02)
* 9: add benchmark for branching (2019-01-17)
* 1: [REMOVED] prepare an example with C (2018-08-05)
* 6: implements an ExtensionArray from pandas with a C++ type (2018-08-03)
* 4: implements a series with WeightedDouble (2018-08-03)
* 3: add an example based on pybind11 (2018-08-02)
* 2: add history (2018-04-01)

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