- Properly handle Python-native UUID types in SQL parameters. Thanks,
- SQLAlchemy: Fix handling URL parameters ``timeout`` and ``pool_size``
- Permit installation with urllib3 v2, see also `urllib3 v2.0 roadmap`_
and `urllib3 v2.0 migration guide`_. You can optionally retain support
for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, but a few other outdated use-cases of X.509
certificate details are immanent, like no longer accepting the long
deprecated ``commonName`` attribute. Instead, going forward, only the
``subjectAltName`` attribute will be used.
- SQLAlchemy: Improve DDL compiler to ignore foreign key and uniqueness
- DBAPI: Properly raise ``IntegrityError`` exceptions instead of
``ProgrammingError``, when CrateDB raises a ``DuplicateKeyException``.
- SQLAlchemy: Ignore SQL's ``FOR UPDATE`` clause. Thanks, surister.
.. _urllib3 v2.0 migration guide: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/v2-migration-guide.html
.. _urllib3 v2.0 roadmap: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/stable/v2-roadmap.html