------- * Block have only_ops and only_virtual_ops as parameter * transactions and operations property added to Block * entryId changed to start_entry_id in get_feed, get_blog_entries and get_blog * estimate_virtual_op_num() added to Account, can be used to fastly get account op numbers from dates or blocknumbers * history and history_reverse uses estimate_virtual_op_num() * blockchain.ops() is obsolete * only_ops and only_virtual_ops added to blockchain.get_current_block(), blockchain.blocks() and blockchain.stream() * reward, curation, verify added to cli * new curation functions added to the Comment class * Signed_Transaction.verify() fixed, by trying all recover_parameter from 0 to 3 * get_potential_signatures, get_transaction_hex and get_required_signatures added to Transactionbuilder * KeyNotFound is replaced by MissingKeyError and KeyNotFound is removed
------- * Several small bugs fixed * cache which stores blockchainobjects is now autocleaned * requests.session is now a shared instance * websocket will be created again for each Crea instance * A node benchmark which uses threads added to examples * Documentation improved * Optional threading added to creapy pingnode (use --threading with --sort)
------- * bug fix release
------- * AsciiChart for creapy: pricehistory, tradehistory and orderbook * Sort nodes regarding their ping times (creapy ping --sort --remove) * currentnode and nextnode skip not working nodes * Memory consumption fer requests and websocket reduced when creating more instances of crea * trade_history added to market * Issue 4 fixed * Crea(use_condenser=True) activates condenser_api calls for 19.4 nodes
------- * new function for creapy added: power, follower, following, muter, muting, mute, nextnode, pingnode, currentnode * support for read-only systems added * more unit tests * Several improvements and bug fixes
------- * creapy (command line tool) improved and all missing functions which are available in creapy are added * new functions to creapy added: witnesses, walletinfo, openorders, orderbook and claimreward * unit tests for cli added