Non breaking changes :
Deprecations :
- From Django 1.10 :
- The module 'django.core.urlresolvers' is deprecated (use 'django.urls' instead).
- In 'creme_core.models.CremeUser', 'is_authenticated()' & 'is_anonymous()' as method are deprecated (use them as property).
- The direct assignment to the forward side of a many-to-many set is deprecated (use the method 'set()' instead).
- From Django 1.11 :
- The view 'django.contrib.auth.views.login()' is now deprecated ; so we use the class-based view 'LoginView'.
- The middleware class 'creme_core.middleware.exceptions.Beautiful403Middleware' is deprecated.
- In 'creme_core.views' :
- The function 'exceptions.server_error()' is deprecated (use 'django.views.defaults.server_error()' instead).
- The function 'file_handling.fetch_resources()' is deprecated (it was not used for a long time).
- The functions 'bricks.reload_portal()' & 'bricks.render_portal_brick()' are deprecated.
- In 'creme_core.models' :
- In 'bricks.BlockDetailviewLocation' :
- The methods 'create_empty_config()' & the attribute 'ZONES' are deprecated.
- The method 'create()' is deprecated (use create_if_needed() instead).
- In 'bricks.BlockPortalLocation' :
- The method 'create()' is deprecated (use create_or_update() instead).
- The method 'create_empty_config()' is deprecated.
- The method 'bricks.BlockMypageLocation.create()' is deprecated (use 'bricks.BlockMypageLocation.objects.create()' instead).
- In 'creme_core.forms.widgets' :
- These functions are now deprecated : widget_render_input(), widget_render_hidden_input(), widget_render_context().
- The method 'EnhancedSelectOptions.render_label()' is deprecated.
- In 'creme_core.gui' :
- The old menu API is deprecated.
- In 'bricks' :
- In 'BricksManager', the methods 'get_dependencies_map()' & '_get_dependencies_ids()' are now deprecated.
- The attribute 'Brick.target_apps' is deprecated.
- The method '_BrickRegistry.get_compatible_portal_blocks()' is deprecated.
- In 'buttons.ButtonsRegistry.register()', registering 'Button' instances is deprecated (register classes instead).
In all apps with global buttons instances, these ones are deprecated.
- The method 'HistoryBrick._populate_users()' is deprecated (use 'HistoryLine.populate_users()' instead).
- In 'creme_core.core.reminders.ReminderRegistry.register()', registering an instance is deprecated; register a class instead.
- In 'creme_core.registry' :
- The exception class 'NotRegistered' is now deprecated.
- The methods 'register()' & 'get()' of 'CremeRegistry' are now deprecated.
- In 'creme_core.templatetags' :
- {% timedelta_pprint %} is deprecated (use {% date_timedelta_pprint %} instead).
- In the library 'creme_bricks', in {% brick_display %}, the option "render='portal'" is deprecated.
- In the library 'creme_menu' :
- The tags activated by <settings.OLD_MENU = True> are deprecated.
- {% get_last_items_menu %} & {% get_prefered_menu %} are deprecated (their template too).
- {% get_button_menu %} is deprecated (use {% menu_buttons_display %} instead).
- {% ctype_is_registered_for_import %} (use the filter "ctype_can_be_mass_imported" (from the library 'creme_ctype') instead).
- In the library 'creme_search', the tag {% get_search_panel %} (& is template) is deprecated.
- The templatetags library "creme_quickforms" is deprecated.
- In JavaScript :
- The function 'creme.utils.confirmBeforeGo()' is deprecated.
- In '' :
- The variable 'actions' is deprecated.
- The functions 'sideMenu()', 'NavIt()' & 'HNavIt()' are deprecated.
- In all apps, the methods 'portal_display()' of Bricks are deprecated.
- Apps :
* Creme_config :
- The function 'utils.generate_portal_url()' is deprecated.
- In 'views.bricks' :
- The class-view 'PortalBricksWizard' is deprecated.
- The function-views 'delete_portal()' & 'edit_portal()' are deprecated.
- In 'forms.bricks' :
- The classes '_BlockPortalLocationsForm', 'BlockPortalLocationsAddForm' & 'BlockPortalLocationsEditForm' are deprecated.
- The method '_BrickLocationsForm._build_portal_locations_field()' is deprecated.
* Documents :
- In 'views.ajax', the function 'get_child_documents()' & 'get_child_documents()' are deprecated.
* Activities :
- In the view 'calendar.get_users_activities()', the URL argument "calendar_ids" is deprecated (use the GET parameter "calendar_id" instead).
- In 'bricks', the methods 'FutureActivitiesBrick._get_queryset_for_ctypes()' & 'PastActivitiesBrick._get_queryset_for_ctypes()' are deprecated.
* Assistants :
- The method 'bricks._AssistantsBrick._get_contenttype_id()' is deprecated.
- All the methods '_get_queryset_for_portal()' of the Bricks are deprecated.
- The global variables 'reminders.reminder_alert' & 'reminders.reminder_todo' are deprecated.
* Emails :
- 'bricks.SignaturesBrick' is deprecated.
Django 1.11 raises UnorderedObjectListWarning warnings when the pagination is made on a unordered queryset ; some models were missing a Meta.ordering.
A model FileRef has been added ; it provides a way to remove an old bug with deletion of model referencing files.
The related files were automatically delete when instances were deleted, so it caused problems when the DB deletion was rollbacked.
Now a FileRef, which references the file, is created at deletion (so it's creation is cancelled on a rollback) and the new file cleaner Job will delete these FileRef instance (& the related file).
FileRef will be useful in the future for files created dynamically (like in export views).
Some template filters have been added in 'creme_core_tags' : lt, lte, gt, gte, eq.
The test runner now creates a mock/temporary 'settings.MEDIA_ROOT' directory. So the files created in unit tests (e.g. uploaded files) are not spoiling the real 'upload/' directory.
This temporary directory is removed at the end of tests ; there is no need to take care about deleting only the tests files any more.
In JavaScript :
- The option "validator" in 'creme.dialog.FormDialog' now accepts the value "innerpopup" to continue to handle old-styled-popup HTML (<div class="in-popup" ...>)
Breaking changes :
Deprecated stuffs which have been removed :
- In all apps, the modules 'blocks' have been removed, & the related template files too.
- The setting 'DEFAULT_THEME' has been removed.
- 'creme_core.constants.PROP_IS_MANAGED_BY_CREME' & 'creme_core.constants.ICON_SIZE_MAP' have been removed.
- The method 'CremeAppConfig.register_blocks()' is no called automatically anymore.
- These modules have been removed: gui.block, gui.icon_registry, models.block & views.blocks.
- The variable 'creme_core.urls.blocks_patterns' has been removed
- In 'creme_core.models' :
- The field 'SettingValue.user' has been removed.
- These methods have been removed : CremeEntity.populate_fk_fields(), BlockDetailviewLocation.create_4_model_block(),
CustomBlockConfigItem.id_from_block_id(), BlockState.get_for_block_id(), BlockState.get_for_block_ids() & SettingValue.create_if_needed().
- These properties have been removed : BlockMypageLocation.block_verbose_name, InstanceBlockConfigItem.block & BlockState.classes.
- In 'creme_core.views' :
- These functions have been removed :
- generic.listview.list_view_popup_from_widget().
- creme_property.reload_block().
- entity.bulk_edit_field() (use 'bulk_update_field()' instead).
- list_view_export.dl_listview_header().
- quick_forms.json_quickform_response().
- relation.objects_to_link_selection().
- search.reload_block().
- These arguments have been removed :
- "entity1_id" in 'entity.select_entity_for_merge()'.
- "entity1_id" & "entity2_id" in 'entity.merge()'.
- "ct_id" & "include_all" in 'entity_filter.get_for_ctype()'.
- "ct_id" in 'header_filter.get_for_ctype()'.
- "ct_id" & "doc_type" in 'list_view_export.dl_listview()'.
- "count" in 'quick_forms.add_from_widget()'.
- "relations_types" in 'relation.add_relations_bulk()'.
- In 'creme_core.forms' :
- The fields 'CremeDateField', 'CremeTimeField' & 'CremeDateTimeField' have been removed.
- The support for non-iterable values as "allowed_models" argument for the property '[Multi]GenericEntityField.allowed_models' has been removed.
- The argument "choices" of 'fields.DatePeriodField.__init__()' has been removed.
- The method 'merge.MergeField.set_merge_initial()' has been removed.
- In 'creme_core.gui' :
- In 'bricks':
- The method 'get_block_template_context()' of 'Brick/PaginatedBrick/QuerysetBrick' has been removed.
- The method 'BricksManager.block_is_registered()' has been removed.
- In _BrickRegistry :
- These methods have been removed : get_blocks(), get_block_4_instance(), get_block_4_object(), get_compatible_blocks().
- The possibility to register instances with 'register()' & register_4_model()' has been removed.
- The possibility to register a brick class which has an ID with 'register_4_model()' has been removed.
- In 'fields_config.FieldsConfigRegistry', the method 'is_model_valid()' & the property 'ctypes' have been removed.
- In 'field_printers' these methods have been removed: simple_print(), print_image(), print_boolean(), print_urlfield(), print_foreignkey(), print_many2many().
- The method 'icons.IconRegistry.get()' has been removed.
- In 'creme_core.templatetags' :
- The libraries 'creme_block' & 'creme_queryset' have been removed.
- In the library 'creme_widgets' :
These tags have been removed : {% get_image_for_ctype ... %}, {% get_image_path_for_ctype ... %} & {% get_image_for_object ... %}.
These tags (& their related template file) have been removed :
{% get_add_button %}, {% get_edit_button %}, {% get_delete_button %}, {% get_restore_button %}, {% get_clone_button %}.
- The functions '_get_image_path_for_model()' & '_get_image_for_model()' have been removed.
- In the library 'creme_listview', the tag {% get_listview_cell %} have been removed.
- In bricks.PropertiesBrick, the variable "ct_id" is not injected anymore in the template context.
- These template files of 'creme_core' have been removed :
templatetags/blocks_dependencies.html, generics/blockform/add_popup2.html, batch_process_report.html, importing_report.html .
- The context processor 'creme.creme_core.context_processor.get_blocks_manager' has been removed.
- These functions of 'creme_core.utils' have been removed:
is_testenvironment(), imports.find_n_import(), media.get_current_theme_vb(), meta.get_instance_field_info().
- The button 'creme_core.buttons.MergeEntitiesButton' (& the related template too) have been removed.
- In JavaScript :
- These functions have been removed :, creme.object.isempty(), creme.object.isnone().
- In 'creme.utils', these functions have been removed :
innerPopupNReload(), toggleCheckallState(), autoCheckallState(), decorateSearchResult(), getBlocksDeps().
- The module 'creme.blocks' has been removed.
- In 'creme.exports.exportAs()' the URL cannot be a format string anymore.
- In 'creme.lv_widget', these functions have been removed : deleteEntityFilter(), deleteHeaderFilter().
- The function 'creme.merge.selectOtherEntityNRedirect()' has been removed.
- In 'creme.relations.addRelationTo()', the option "blockReloadUrl" & the hard-coded URLs support have been removed.
- In 'creme_core.tests.base._CremeTestCase', the methods 'populate()' & 'build_bulkedit_url()' have been removed.
- Apps :
* Creme_config :
- In registry.AppConfigRegistry, the method 'register_block()' & the property 'blocks' have been removed.
- In registry._ConfigRegistry :
- The methods 'register_blocks()' & 'register_userblocks()' & property 'userblocks' have been removed.
- In the methods 'register_bricks()' & 'register_user_bricks()', the support of registering instances (instead of classes) has been removed.
- The modules 'views.blocks' & 'forms.blocks' have been removed.
- These views has been removed :
- bricks.add_portal(), bricks.add_custom_block() & bricks.add_ctypes_2_relation_block().
- button_menu.add().
- fields_config.add().
- generics_views.reload_block() & generics_views.swap_order().
- user_role.add() & user_role.edit().
- setting.reload_block().
- The form classes 'user_role.UserRoleCreateForm' & 'user_role.UserRoleEditForm' have been removed.
- The function 'forms.fields_config._get_fields_enum()' has been removed.
- The templatetags {% import_usersettings_blocks %} & {% do_usersettings_blocks_displayer %} have been removed.
- These template files have been removed : creme_config/custom_fields/*.html & creme_config/blocks_portal.html.
- The variable 'urls.blocks_patterns' has been removed.
* Documents :
- The argument 'count' has been removed in these views of 'quick_forms' : 'abstract_add_doc_from_widget()', 'add_csv_from_widget()'.
- In Bricks, these variable are not injected anymore : FolderDocsBrick (variable "ct_id"), LinkedDocsBrick (variable "ct_doc").
* Persons :
- The function '' has been removed.
- In ManagersBrick, the variable "ct" is not injected anymore.
* Activities :
- These modules have been removed : 'views.blocks' & 'forms.blocks'.
- These template files have been removed : 'templatetags/activity_date.html' & 'templatetags/activity_relations_field.html'.
- The method 'AbstractActivity.count_lines_display_block()' has been removed.
- The templatetag library 'activities_tag' has been removed.
- In the view function of views.activity.download_ical(), the argument "ids" has been removed.
- In JavaScript :
- The function 'creme.activities.calendar.filterEvents()' has been removed.
- In 'creme.activities.exportAsICal()' & 'fullCalendar()', the support of implicit "url" has been removed.
* Assistants :
- The JavaScript function 'creme.assistants.validateEntity()' has been removed.
- In all Bricks, the variable "ct_id" is not injected anymore.
* Products :
- The class 'forms.fields.CategorySelector' has been removed.
* Billing :
- These methods of 'models.Base' have been removed : product_lines(), service_lines(), _build_lines(), get_*_lines_total_price_*_of_tax().
- The method '' has been removed.
- The template file 'frags/generic_billing_line_frag.html' has been removed.
- The templatetag library 'latex' has been removed.
- In these Bricks, some variable are not injected anymore : CreditNotesBrick (variable "ct"), PaymentInformationBrick (variable "ct_id"), BillingPaymentInformationBrick (variable "ct_id").
- The 'billing_register' feature has been removed.
- These JavaScript functions have been removed : multiSaveLines(), selectDefaultPayment(), convertAs(), redirect(), reload().
* Commercial :
- These functions in 'views.strategy' have been removed : _reload_matrix(), reload_assets_matrix(), reload_charms_matrix(), reload_assets_charms_matrix().
- These templatetags have been removed :
- {% get_segments_for_category %}, {% widget_segment_category %}, {% widget_asset_score %} & {% widget_charm_score %}.
- In these bricks, the variable "ct_id" is not injected anymore : AssetsBrick, CharmsBrick & ActObjectivesBrick.
- These templates files have been removed : 'templatetags/widget_score.html', 'templatetags/widget_category.html'.
- These JavaScript functions have been removed : postCategory(), increaseObjectiveCounter() & postScore().
* Opportunities :
- In these Bricks, the variable "ct" is not injected anymore : _LinkedStuffBrick (& child classes), TargettingOpportunitiesBrick.
- In _LinkedStuffBrick (& child classes), the class attribute "_model" has been removed.
* Reports :
- The modules have been removed: 'views.blocks' & 'forms.blocks'.
- These functions have been removed : & views.graph._check_order().
- The "order" parameter has been removed in these views: graph.fetch_graph() & graph.fetch_graph_from_instanceblock().
- These JavaScript functions have been removed : changeOrder(), unlink_report(), setSelected(), doAjaxAction() & openGraphEdition()
* Emails :
- In views:
- The functions 'crudity.reload_sync_blocks()' & 'sending.reload_block_mails()' have been removed.
- In 'crudity.synchronisation()' the template variable "entityemail_ct_id" is not injected anymore.
- These template files have been removed : 'templatetags/_block_synchronization.html' & 'frags/ajax/synchronize.html'.
- In these Bricks, the variable "ct_id" is not injected anymore : EmailRecipientsBrick & MailsBrick.
- These JavaScript functions have been removed: allowExternalImages(), confirmResend() & resend().
* Geolocation :
- These arguments of views have been removed :
- set_address_info() (the argument "address_id").
- get_addresses_from_filter() (the argument "filter_id").
- get_neighbours() (the arguments "address_id" & "filter_id").
- In JavaScript, the fallback to hard-coded URLs have been removed in : AddressesBlock, PersonsNeighborhoodBlock & GoogleMapController.
* Crudity :
- The setting CREME_GET_EMAIL_JOB_USER_ID has been removed.
- These functions in 'views' have been removed: actions.fetch(), actions._fetch(), actions.reload_block(), history.reload().
- In views.history.history(), the context variable "blocks" is not injected anymore.
- The method registry.FetcherInterface.add_fetcher() has been removed.
- These global variables have been removed :
- In 'buttons' : infopath_create_form_button & email_template_create_button.
- In 'fetchers.pop' : pop_fetcher.
- in '' : create_email_input & create_infopath_input.
- These template files has been removed : 'frags/ajax/waiting_actions.html' & 'waiting_actions.html'.
* Polls :
- The templatetag {% print_node_chart %} has been removed.
- In these Bricks, some variables are not injected anymore :
- PollFormLinesBrick ("line_ct_id" & "section_ct_id").
- PollRepliesBrick ("ct_reply").
- _RelatedRepliesBrick & its child classes ("ct_reply").
- The template file 'polls/templatetags/stats_pollreply_chart.html' has been removed.
* Projects :
- The module 'views.utils' has been removed.
- The template files 'projects/frag_task_delay_td.html' has been removed.
* Sms :
- The function 'views.sending.reload_block_messages()' has been removed.
- In RecipientsBrick, the variable "ct_id" is not injected anymore.
Changes caused by Django 1.9 :
- If a 'simple_tag' returns HTML, the result will be escaped if it is not mark_safe()'ed. The best way is to use 'format_html()' & 'format_html_join()' (the result is escaped, so marked as safe).
- In templates, using _() on a classical-format string (with "%s") does not work like before, & should be avoided (because it returns a string with "%%s").
The new way is to use {% trans %}/{% blocktrans %}, & regenerate the related PO files
(notice that in the .po file, 'msgid/msgstr' will use "%%s", but the string returned by 'gettext()' will contain a simple "%s").
- CharFields in forms strip their content by default.
- The import of some models is done later (ie import in function code, not module root).
- If you create your own model field inheriting ForeignKey/OneToOneField, you cannot set a model during migration for 'to' attribute.
- If you import the module 'creme_config.registry', the import should be done after all the app configs are ready (e.g. importing within a view function) in order to avoid errors.
- Django 1.9 does not like '/' at the beginning of URL regex (it says it's useless, but it can be useful in some rare cases).
- The MIMEtype of email attachments is now set.
Changes caused by Django 1.10 :
- The method 'Command.execute()' will crash if all arguments do not receive a value (use '' instead).
- The variable 'django.utils.http.PROTOCOL_TO_PORT' has been removed (seems not documented).
Changes caused by Django 1.11 :
- The rendering of form-widgets has changed ; the compatibility with existing 'render()' methods does not always work.
So you should use the new template-based system instead (it's what have been done in Creme -- see below).
- The method 'Widget.format_output()' has been removed (a custom widget template should be used instead).
- The arguments of 'creme_core.forms.bulk.BulkFieldSelectWidget.build_attrs()' have changed to follow the Django 1.11 signature.
- In unit tests, (fake) emails are not sent when the recipient is empty anymore.
Most of libraries have been upgraded :
- 'bleach' 1.4.X => 2.1.X.
- 'xlrd' : 0.9.X => 1.1.X
- 'xlwt' 1.0.X => 1.3.X.
- 'Pillow' : 3.4.X => 5.X.
- 'pygraphviz' : 1.1.X => 1.3.X.
In settings :
- 'MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES' has been removed & replaced by 'MIDDLEWARE'.
- The default settings 'LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL' & 'LOGIN_URL' use now named URLs.
- The setting 'LOGOUT_URL' has been removed, because Django (1.10) removed it too (it was unused anyway).
- The settings which were tuples are now lists (like in Django 1.9 global_settings), excepted 'COPY_MEDIA_FILETYPES' which is now a 'set'.
- The middleware "" has been added in the default configuration ; it probably won't be a problem excepted on very specific install.
- Beware 'formtools' has been added in 'INSTALLED_DJANGO_APPS'.
- The logging configuration have slightly changed (formats of messages are different).
Using a method 'register_setting_key()' in a class inheriting CremeAppConfig is deprecated ; rename it 'register_setting_keys()'.
In views of all apps, the content-type of the response have been cleaned ; it probably does not break anything (or only unit tests).
- In views which return JSON data with "text/javascript" as content_type, the content_type is now "application/json" (many of these views use creme_core.utils.jsonify()).
- Lots of responses, with "text/javascript" as content_type, & which return a empty/string/HTML-fragment content, have now "text/html' as content_type.
It probably only break unit tests.
In 'creme_core.models' :
- The class attribute 'CremeModel._delete_files' has been removed ; override the methods _delete_stored_file()/_delete_stored_files() to customise the behaviour.
- The field 'CremeAbstractEntity.is_actived' has been removed (so it's removed from 'CremeEntity' & 'Relation').
- The fields "block_id" of the following models (in 'bricks') have been renamed to "brick_id" :
BlockDetailviewLocation, BlockPortalLocation, BlockMypageLocation, RelationBlockItem, InstanceBlockConfigItem, BlockState.
- In the method 'BlockDetailviewLocation.id_is_4_model()', the argument "block_id" is renamed "brick_id".
In 'creme_core.views' :
- The view '' injects now a variable "bricks" instead of "blocks" ;
the related template 'creme_core/search_results.html' has changed to use "bricks".
- In 'list_view_export.dl_listview()' (backported to 1.7.3) :
- The GET argument "hfilter" is now mandatory (last list-view state is no longer used as fallback).
- The attribute "extra_q" of the list-view state is not read any more ; the GET argument "extra_q" is used instead.
- The view 'batch_process.batch_process()' does not use the GET argument "list_url" anymore ; it uses the GET argument "efilter" instead.
In 'creme_core.forms' :
- The method 'mass_import.ImportForm.append_error()' only takes the argument "err_msg" now (there were 3 arguments).
- The behaviour of the merge form with ManyToManyFields has been fixed ; the many to many data are changed during the save(), & not during the clean() anymore.
- The behaviour of the bulk/inner edition with ManyToManyFields has been fixed ; the many to many data are changed during the save(), & not during the clean() anymore.
- The rendering of widgets have been heavily reworked to use templates :
- The methods 'format_output()' have been removed in the following class of 'widgets' : DatePeriodWidget, DurationWidget, OptionalWidget, DateRangeWidget.
- In 'widgets.DateRangeWidget.render()', passing an attributes "render_as" not in {'table', 'ul'} will raise an exception ("template not found"). You can define your own type of render by creating a template file.
- These methods of 'widgets.UnorderedMultipleChoiceWidget' have been removed: _render_header_filter(), _render_header(), _render_body(), _render_counter(), _render_viewless(), _render_footer().
- If you inherit 'widgets.EnhancedSelectOptions' :
- It should be before the parent Widget class in the parents list.
- These methods have been removed : render_enchanced_option(), is_choice_selected(), render_enhanced_choice().
- The method 'header_filter.EntityCellsWidget._build_render_context()' has been removed.
- In 'mass_import.ExtractorWidget' :
- The base class changed from 'SelectMultiple' to the new class 'BaseExtractorWidget' (which inherits directly Widget).
- The method '_render_select()' has been removed.
- In 'mass_import.EntityExtractorWidget', the methods '_render_line()' & '_render_column_select()' have been removed.
- The attribute 'filtertype' of 'widgets.UnorderedMultipleChoiceWidget' now raises a ValueError if the given value was invalid (so a breaking indicates an existing bug).
The constructors of the following classes take an additional argument "model" : EntityCellActions, EntityCellFunctionField, EntityCellRelation, EntityCellVolatile.
The arguments of 'creme_core.utils.html.filter_img_src()' have change (to follow the API changes in 'bleach').
In 'creme_core.gui' :
- The different registries from sub-modules are not imported in the package anymore.
- In the method 'buttons.ButtonsRegistry.register()', when an ID is duplicated, an exception is raised now (there was only a log message).
- In 'bricks' :
- The method 'Brick.get_template_context()' does not inject "base_url" in the context anymore.
- About the method 'Brick._build_template_context()' :
- It does not inject "block_name" in the context anymore (use "brick_id" instead).
- These arguments have been renamed :
- 'block_name' became 'brick_id'.
- 'block_context' became 'brick_context'.
- In 'SpecificRelationsBrick', the context variable "colspan" is not injected anymore.
- About the class 'InstanceBlockConfigItem' :
- In the method 'generate_id()', the argument "block_class" is renamed "brick_class".
- In the methods 'id_is_specific()' & 'get_base_id()', the (only) argument has been renamed 'brick_id'.
The templatetag {% verbose_modifications %} (from 'creme_core_tags') has been renamed/moved as {% history_modifications %} (in 'creme_history').
In the templates of 'creme_core' :
- In the template file 'detailview.html' (& so in 'generics/view_entity.html'):
- The {% block %} "button_tab" & "extra_menu_buttons" have been removed (use {% block instance_buttons %} instead).
- The CSS class "is_deleted" is not set anymore (it's done in 'generics/view_entity.html').
- Some template files have been renamed :
- 'batch_process.html' has moved to 'forms/batch-process.html'.
- 'entity_filter_form.html' has moved to 'forms/entity-filter.html'.
- 'header_filter_form.html' has moved to 'forms/header-filter.html'.
- 'merge.html' has moved to 'forms/merge.html'.
- The template 'creme_core/entity_cells_widget.html' has been removed (replaced by 'creme_core/forms/widgets/entity-cells.html').
In the following apps, the buttons template files have been moved (from 'templatetags/' to 'buttons/') & renamed :
activities, billing, commercial, emails, opportunities, persons, tickets, vcfs.
Some unused images have been removed.
Lots of useless CSS rules have been removed.
In JavaScript :
- The functions 'creme.utils.blocks_deps()' & 'creme.blocks.bindEvents()' have been removed.
- The function 'creme.forms.toImportField()' takes now a second argument (the query to get the element to hide).
- The option "compatible" of 'creme.dialog.Dialog' has been removed.
In 'creme_core.tests' :
- The class attribute '_CremeTestCase.clean_files_in_teardown' has been removed ; you should remove it from your own TestCase classes because it is not used anymore.
- These fields of test models have been renamed :
- 'FakeDocument.folder' is now "linked_folder".
- 'FakeInvoiceLine.invoice' is now "linked_invoice".
Apps :
* Creme_config :
- The validation of Users passwords is now stronger by default in the forms ; it could break some unit tests, or external programs which create users.
- The URL '/creme_config/my_settings' has changed to '/creme_config/my_settings/portal'(internally you should use its name "creme_config__user_settings" anyway).
* Documents :
- The field 'models.AbstractDocument.folder' has been renamed "linked_folder".
- The related name of 'AbstractFolder.parent_folder' has been changed from "parent_folder_set" to "children".
* Activities :
- In 'forms.mass_import' :
- The classes 'ParticipantsExtractorWidget' & 'SubjectsExtractorWidget' inherit now the new class 'BaseExtractorWidget'.
- In the method 'SubjectsExtractorWidget.value_from_datadict()', the key "column_index" has been replaced by "selected_column".
- In 'ParticipantsExtractorWidget' :
- In the POSTed values '{name}_colselect' became '{name}_pattern_colselect'.
- In the return value of the method 'value_from_datadict()' "column_index" became "pattern_column_index".
- The JavaScript function 'creme.activities.calendar.fullCalendar()' has been modified to pass calendar IDs as GET arguments.
* Assistants :
- The argument "user" of 'bricks._AssistantsBrick._populate_related_real_entities()' has been removed.
* Products:
- The class 'forms.base._BaseCreateForm' has been removed ; the classes 'forms.product.ProductCreateForm' & 'forms.service.ServiceCreateForm' have been adapted.
- The class 'forms.mass_importCategoriesExtractorWidget' now inherits 'BaseExtractorWidget'.
* Billing :
- In JavaScript :
- The function 'creme.billing.updateBlockTotals()' has been renamed "updateBrickTotals()".
- In tne function 'creme.billing.markDelete()' :
- The second (on 3) argument "ct_id" has been removed.
- The CSS class "block_header_line_dark" is not set anymore.
* Reports :
- The field '' has been renamed "linked_report".
- The field 'models.FakeReportsDocument.folder' has been renamed "linked_folder".
- The method '' has been removed.
- The template 'reports_hands_widget.html' has been removed (replaced by 'forms/widgets/report-hands.html').
* Geolocation :
- The templatetag library 'geolocation' has been renamed 'geolocation_tags'.
- The templatetag 'format_distance' has been renamed 'geolocation_distance'.
- The CSS rules "block-geoaddress-*" have been renamed "brick-geoaddress-*" in HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
- The following JavaScript classes have been renamed :
- 'creme.geolocation.PersonsBlock' became 'creme.geolocation.PersonsBrick'.
- 'creme.geolocation.AddressesBlock' became 'creme.geolocation.AddressesBrick'.
- 'creme.geolocation.PersonsNeighborhoodBlock' became 'creme.geolocation.PersonsNeighborhoodBrick'.
* Emails :
- The following models fields are now 'blank=False' (blank was useless because these fields are not editable):
_Email.reads, _Email.sending_date, _Email.reception_date, AbstractEntityEmail.identifier, EmailSending.signature.
* Crudity :
- The field '' has been renamed "raw_data".
- The method 'models.WaitingAction.set_data()' now assigns the data & returns nothing.
- The method 'registry.CRUDityRegistry.get_backend()' raises now 'CRUDityRegistry.RegistrationError' exceptions (it raised 'creme_core.registry.NotRegistered').
- In 'backends.models.CrudityBackend' :
- The methods 'get_rendered_buttons()' & 'add_buttons()' have been removed.
- The attribute 'buttons' has been removed.
- The class attribute 'blocks' has been replaced by 'brick_classes' (which has a different default value).
- In 'inputs.base.CrudityInput' :
- The method 'register_buttons()' has been removed.
- The attribute '_buttons' has been removed.
- The attribute 'backends' has been renamed '_backends'.
- In 'bricks.WaitingActionsBrick' & 'bricks.CrudityHistoryBrick', the variable "title" is not injected in the context anymore.
- The classes in 'buttons' have been removed (InfopathCreateFormButton, EmailTemplateCreateButton).
* Events :
- In the dictionary returned by 'AbstractEvent.get_stats()', the id "invations_count" has been renamed "invitations_count".
* Polls :
- These templatetags have been renamed :
- print_line_condition -> poll_line_condition
- print_node_number -> poll_node_number
- print_node_css -> poll_node_css
* Projects :
- The field 'models.AbstractProjectTask.project' has been renamed "linked_project".
Internal breaking changes :
(they should not cause problem if you have not deeply modified the source code of Creme)
The method 'CremeCoreConfig.hook_widget_render()' has been removed.
The middleware classes (in 'creme_core.middleware' & 'mediagenerator.middleware') now inherit 'django.utils.deprecation.MiddlewareMixin'.
In 'creme_core.models' :
- The fields 'bricks.RelationBlockItem.json_cells_map' & 'CustomBlockConfigItem.json_cells' cannot be 'null' anymore (a default value has been added).
- The attribute 'bricks.InstanceBlockConfigItem._block' has been renamed to "_brick".
In 'creme_core.views' :
- The method 'search.FoundEntitiesBrick.parse_block_id()' is replaced by 'parse_brick_id()'.
- The method 'creme_property.TaggedEntitiesBrick.parse_block_id()' is replaced by 'parse_brick_id()'.
In 'creme_core.forms.widgets' :
- These methods of 'SelectorList' have been removed: _render_action(), _render_actions().
- The method '_render_inputs()' of 'ChainedInput' & 'PolymorphicInput' have been removed.
- The class 'CremeRadioFieldRenderer' has been removed (because 'django.forms.widgets.RadioFieldRenderer' has been removed).
The attribute 'creme_core.buttons.ButtonsRegistry._buttons' has been renamed to "_button_classes".
The JavaScript widget 'creme.widget.DateRange' has been entirely reworked.
Apps :
* Creme_config :
- The variable 'templatetags.creme_config_tags._USER_SETTINGS_BLOCK' has been removed.
* Activities :
- The function 'views.calendar._get_one_activity_per_calendar()' is now a generator.
* Reports :
- The global variable '' has been removed.
- The tag 'templatetags.reports_tags.report_chart_json()' does not take the context any more.
- In '', the constructors of the following classes take an additional argument "model" :
_EntityCellRelated, _EntityCellAggregate, _EntityCellCustomAggregate.