------------------ * Added support for Django 5.0, 5.1 * Dropped support for Django 4.2 LTS
------------------ * Updated project to use uv * Dropped support for Django 3.2 LTS * Dropped support for django-crispy-forms 1.x * Dropped support for python 3.8, minimum version is now 3.10 * Dropped the base template, use the `Page Template`_ instead * Changed demo site to use `pre-compiled`_ govuk-frontend assets * Changed the licence to the `MIT`_ license
------------------ * Added version compatibility matrix to README * Moved virtualenv directory to .venv * Removed Django 5.0 from test environments * Removed tox-pyenv - it's not compatible with tox 4
------------------ * Fix `Option overlap`_ in radios and checkboxes, where, if one option is a substring of another, then both are selected/checked.