- Fix RawPythonShell problem with Python 3.12 by removing superfluous output from the terminal caused the new return values from termios.tcsetattr and/or tty.setraw.
- Fix the hanging problem in RemoteShell by removing extra ANSI CSI escape sequences in bash terminal prompt texts of different OS
- Fix Windows compatibility - Add option for custom proxies to TerminalPools
- Add remote shell that uses paramiko in both linux and windows to setup remote ssh connection
- Add kubernetes shell that access the pods bash terminal by exec
- Change prompt setting in BashShell so that the prompt is not literally shown in command history, otherwise listing command history could lead to incorrect match when reading command output until prompt is found.
- Fix pexpect TypeErrError when terminal has logfile defined.
- Fix pexpect can't find prompt when KeyauthenticatedSshShell initial_prompt attribute is string.