- Convert UTC times to local timezone. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
javascript date handling allows you to specify the timezone in the date time string and will correctly handle parsing to local time when performing a toString.
- Group jobs by category on index page. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Use smaller status balls everywhere. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Remove old css. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Much nicer list view of events that occurred. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Group events by ID
- Show a running time for each job run
- Use human readable dates/times everywhere
- Show the appropriate status ball for each run
- Fix the button css to be a bit more flat and less bootstrappy
Still need to fix dates to convert from UTC to local time.
- Reference cronq modules with cronq prefix. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Extract models into their own namespace. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
This will allow us to build separate backends - postgres for instance - without needing to redefine models
- Use moment.js to provide human-readable task running info. [Jose Diaz-
- Add missing utils.py. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Slightly better looking task definition. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
Still need to work on actual task running information, though the command information looks more spiffy
- Fix header height to center h1s. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Better index page. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Show the last status of a task
- Show the current running state of the task
- "Better" display of each task
- Use Roboto font from Google to display text
- Change heading. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Remove commented out code. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Use minified css files. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Properly handle return codes for finished tasks and set the job status
to succeeded. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Expose job status and run info to the job index. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Keep track of the current job status as well as the last job status.
[Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
Useful for dashboards. Whenever tracking the last_run, reset if the status is "starting", as otherwise the information will be incorrect.
- Add status and run info to each job. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Datetime => _datetime. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Add relations between models. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- Order jobs on ui by name. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]
- PEP8. [Jose Diaz-Gonzalez]