Update for sub-workflows without key `submittedFiles` in its metadata JSON file.
* allow `Array[File]` and `Map[?, File]` type for task's output
* `--method link` (default method) works for cloud storages - don't make an organized directory on `--out-dir` if `--out-dir`'s strorage is same as the source storage. - e.g. outputs files in `metadata.json` is on `gs://` and `--out-dir` is also `gs://` - this will make an empty `--out-dir` and there will be only one HTML report file - users can explicitly define `--method copy` to make actual copies on `--out-dir`
* bug fix for `outputs` key error * for the contents in `metadata.json` file, Croo can take in a list of Python dicts `[ { } ]` but only the first `[0]` dict object `{ }` will be taken. Others will be ignored.
* html report - filetable * fix bug in importing croo