๐ Spectrum ๐
This release contains Spectrum, a plugin for running Specter via an Electrum server instead of a Bitcoin Core node. The plugin is currently in alpha ๐งช and in order to use it, you need to allow alpha plugins. Here is how to activate them (if you use one of the apps):
* Download and start as usual
* Open `Specter` โก๏ธ `Preferences`
* Open `Advanced`
* Insert `--devstatus-threshold alpha` in `Specterd CLI args`
* It's also recommended to use a different data directory in order to separate the experiment from your normal setup. On Linux/Mac you could do that by also adding `--specter-data-folder YOURHOMEDIRECTORY/.specter_spectrum` to the `Specterd CLI args` from the previous step. For MacOS, for example, `YOURHOMEDIRECTORY` is sth. like `/Users/YOURUSERNAME.`
* Save (Specter closes automatically if you click `Continue`)
* Restart the Specter app
* If you used a different data directory, don't be surprised, as you now won't see your usual wallets & devices. Remove the `Specterd CLI args` changes from above and you are be back to normal.
* Click the left "Get started" button:

Since Spectrum is still in alpha, it is not supported yet to use it alongside a connected Bitcoin Core node. If you are connected to a Bitcoin Core node, you will not see the screen above, so you'd need to do the following:
- Disconnect your Bitcoin Core node (not yet possible via the GUI, we will add this) by either saving it with an incorrect configuration or by stopping the node.
- Again, it's recommended to use a different data directory in order to separate the experiment from your normal setup (see above).
- Restart Specter
- You should now see the screen above.
There are two types of binaries:
Specter Desktop
It's a windowed GUI application with Specter server included.
Supported platforms: [Windows](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/Specter-Setup-v1.14.1.exe), [MacOS](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/Specter-v1.14.1.dmg), [Linux (x86_64)](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/specter_desktop-v1.14.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz)
**Note on Linux**: you need to set up udev rules (included in the archive). Check out [readme](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/blob/master/udev/README.md#usage).
**Note on macOS**: The current build supports only macOS Catalina (10.15) or higher. If you'd like to run Specter on an older macOS version, you can [install Specter from Pip](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop#installing-specter-from-pip).
It's a command-line program that only runs Specter server.
Supported platforms: [Windows](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/specterd-v1.14.1-win64.zip), [MacOS](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/specterd-v1.14.1-osx.zip), [Linux (x86_64)](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/specterd-v1.14.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.zip)
Signatures and hashes
[SHA256SUMS](https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/releases/download/v1.14.1/SHA256SUMS) file contains sha256 hashes of all binary files and signed with "Specter Signer's" GPG key.
You can get the public key from [here](http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x785a2269ee3a9736ac1a4f4c864b7cf9a811fef7).
Fingerprint of the key is `785A 2269 EE3A 9736 AC1A 4F4C 864B 7CF9 A811 FEF7`
This key has been signed by k9ert's key which you might have used for validating th 1.7.0 release.
Release notes
- Bugfix: Adding migrations to the hidden imports 2007 (k9ert)
- Bugfix: Bump Spectrum for better error_handling (k9ert)
- Chore: better error_handling and tested 2005 (k9ert)
- Docs: Release guide update 2004 (Manolis Mandrapilias)